tongue hemangioma

tongue hemangioma

If you or those around you have had hemangiomas of the tongue, if you want to know what the clinical signs and manifestations of hemangiomas of the tongue and you want to know about the treatments for hemangiomas of the tongue, read on.
Hemangiomas of the tongue are cavernous hemangiomas. Hemangiomas are more likely to be present on the head and neck.
The eyelids,lips, around the mouth and the cheeks are common areas of hemangiomas.
Oral hemangiomas can occur on the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue and palate.

What you will read next:
What is a tongue hemangioma?
What are the types of hemangiomas?
What are the symptoms of this type of tongue hemangiomas?

Types of tongue hemangiomas
What is the origin of tongue hemangiomas?
What causes tongue hemangiomas?
Is Cavernous Hemangioma Common?
Complications of tongue hemangiomas



Tongue hemangiomas are a rare disease. They are benign, but the effect they have on a person's appearance can be very unpleasant. This tumor can grow and have painful consequences. Tongue hemangioma is a disease that, although benign, can be treated in the early stages and failure to diagnose and treat it early can lead to adverse complications.
Histologically, the existing vascular tissue inside the hemangiomas of the tongue is similar to normal human arteries, but if there is a mass whose vessels are abnormally structured, there can be no benign vascular tumor.

What is a tongue hemangioma?

Tongue hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor that can cause bleeding and pain when eating and talking.
Usually in the early stages, hemangiomas of the tongue are painless and asymptomatic.

What are the types of hemangiomas?

Capillary hemangiomas:
The prevalence of these hemangiomas in the general population of newborns is about 1.1% to 2.6%, but can increase to 12% in the first year of life and in the first week to about 30% and 70 to 90%.
Regarding tongue hemangiomas, it should be noted that most cases of hemangiomas occur at birth in the first months after birth and are usually superficial bumps, but can sometimes penetrate deeply. Hemangiomas are more likely to be present on the tongue, lips, mouth, palate, and palate.
Tongue hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors that originate in the endothelial cells in the inner lining of the arteries. The proliferation of these endothelial cells causes the formation of benign hemangiomas.
The proliferation of these endothelial cells causes the formation of benign isozymes.
Tongue hemangiomas are also an evolving vascular malformation.
Capillary hemangiomas are more likely to be present at birth and in young children (mostly girls). The lesions are not painful but can bleed if traumatized.

What are the symptoms of this type of tongue hemangiomas?

Tongue hemangiomas are benign tumors that originate in the endothelium of the inner wall of the arteries inside the oral cavity around and can be accompanied by symptoms such as the following:

  • Bleeding following trauma 
  • Breathing problems
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Difficulty speaking

These tumors are rare masses.

Types of tongue hemangiomas:


  1. Capillary hemangiomas
  2. Cavernous hemangiomas
  3. And mixed hemangioma 


What is the origin of tongue hemangiomas?

Tongue hemangiomas are caused by abnormal proliferation of endothelial cells.
Endothelial cells are cells that line the inner wall of blood vessels.

What causes tongue hemangiomas?

We said that the most common age group for tongue hemangiomas are infants and young children.
It is said that some of the cases that are most likely to be associated with an increased risk of hemangiomas in young children and infants are: Low birth weight or the prematurity of the baby. Also, women who have multiple pregnancies are more likely to give birth to a baby with hemangiomas in their last pregnancies.
Congenital hemangiomas are more common in infants and young children.

  • Eyelids
  • facial skin
  • lips
  • Tongue and oral mucosa can be involved with hemangioma.

In the following, we will talk about cavernous hemangiomas of the tongue.
Hemangiomas are formed on the surface and deep tissues of the body.
Capillary hemangiomas are usually superficial and red and purple in color.
Cavernous hemangiomas are deeper ,That is, they are formed in deep adipose tissue and are blue, indigo or purple in color and may also occur in the body. It is benign and originates from the cells of the blood vessel wall (endothelial cells).
mixed Hemangioma: 
Vascular growth occurs both in the superficial layers of the skin and within adipose tissue, that is, it has a superficial and capillary component as well as a deep and cavernous component. Hemangiomas can cause a lot of nerve pain, nerve pain can be very severe and debilitating and unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of them and it is only recommended that the person who is feeling the pain get rid of the pain of the disease by putting ice in the place.

Is Cavernous Hemangioma Common?

The disease occurs in different forms in different people and can cause serious problems as it progresses and grows. Fortunately, the symptoms of cavernous are not common and can be treated if detected in the early stages.
Sometimes it becomes impossible to breathe.
The power of expression and speech changes and also the utterance of words becomes difficult.
In cases where the hemangioma of the tongue is too large, breathing can be disrupted and blood oxygen can be depleted. The person suffers from Unconsciousness due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain, and even this person may die if oxygen does not reach the brain.

Complications of tongue hemangiomas:


  • Bleeding

  • Being injured
  • the pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Trouble in speaking



Most neonatal hemangiomas shrink and disappear spontaneously and often do not require treatment. In some cases, treatment will be necessary. The decision to take treatment and the type of treatment for hemangiomas depends on the following:

  • Age
  • Size
  • Location
  • Tumor growth rate

Hemangiomas present in the airways and liver and eyes often need to be treated.
If the hemangioma of the tongue is small and uncomplicated, it should be followed up and monitored by a doctor during regular sessions. If symptoms occur, especially symptoms of breathing problems that are very common in tongue hemangiomas, treatment should be done in one of the following ways:
Surgery, corticosteroids, sclerosing agents, radiation therapy, diathermy, electrocauterization, cryosurgery, embolization, laser, radiofrequency, and interferon

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