how get smell back after covid

how get smell back after covid


How to restore a disturbed sense of smell following Covid19?

Is there a way to speed up the olfactory recovery following Covid19?

What are the ways to restore the sense of smell following Covid19?

If you are one of those people who suffer from a sense of smell following a new coronavirus infection and are looking for a way to restore your sense of smell, read on.


Corona and anosmia

What is the mechanism of olfactory loss or reduction in the nineteenth queue?


What to do for smell and taste test at home?

What can be done to treat anosmia or hyposmia following Covid 19?

Safety tips in aromatherapy


We are now in a situation where the world is suffering from Covid19 or the so-called Covid19 pandemic doctors. Doctors and researchers say that anosmia (described as loss of the sense of smell) sometimes occurs in the absence of respiratory signs and symptoms and other manifestations of Covid19.

There are studies that suggest that olfactory loss and consequent taste disturbances may be the first signs and symptoms of a new coronavirus infection.

With all of the above explanations for the presence of the Covid19 pandemic and the high probability of developing early-stage olfactory dysfunction with or without taste disturbance we should not think that covid19 is definitely the cause of any olfactory disorder, although it is true that in these pandemic conditions the symptoms are due to Covid19. but in people without exposure to high-risk conditions such as people who stay at home and do not move outside and have not been in contact with others It is better to consider other possibilities.

Therefore, it is better to know that the decrease in smell and the disturbance in the sense of smell and taste will not be limited to Covid19 and there are also dimitry-causing causes for anosmia with or without taste disturbance.

We have mentioned some of the causes in the following headlines:

  • Seasonal rhythms
  • Respiratory Allergies
  • Inflammation of the facial sinuses or sinusitis (allergic, viral or bacterial sinusitis)
  • Viral upper respiratory infections such as the common cold with common viruses
  • Viral colds last a long time
  • Influenza caused by the flu virus
  • Some other infectious and disorders with fever


Corona and anosmia

The following symptoms may occur when the body becomes infected with a new coronary virus:

  • Fever, chills
  • Body pain or myalgia
  • loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Headache


Studies have shown that when a virus attacks the olfactory nerve (actually nerve cells or neurons) independently and directly, it causes damage to the olfactory nerve, which results in a decrease in the sense of smell.

Also, since a large part of what we call the sense of taste depends on the data received from our sense of smell, it will be weakened by the weakening and disruption of the sense of smell as a result of our taste.

Inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes of our sinuses and nasal wall, which are located in some areas just adjacent to the olfactory nerve, can also prevent the transmission of olfactory stimuli to the nerve.

But what happens in Covid19?

Anosmia means loss of sense of smell

Hyposmia means decreased sense of smell


Reputable studies say that in viral disorders and infections, such as the common cold virus, only two to five percent of patients may experience anosmia or hyposmia, Twenty-seven times as many of all confirmed ovid19 patients have at least one olfactory disorder. This means that about forty to sixty percent of all definitive patients with Covid19 have experienced anosmia or hyposmia.


Anosmia or hyposmia is considered by many scientific authorities to be the first sign and clinical manifestation of Covid19. That is, before the onset and manifestation of fever and chills and body aches and respiratory distress, the person initially suffers only from anosmia or hyposmia. Doctors say a sudden loss of sense of smell before any other symptoms during a Covid19 pandemic could be a good predictor of the infection.


What is the mechanism of olfactory loss or reduction in Covid19?

Virus attack on olfactory neurons may be the main mechanism of anosmia or hyposmia in this disease.

What happens when the sense of smell is lost or decreased?

In addition to not smelling, the taste of food will not be felt. This set can have a negative effect on a person's diet to have a strong immune system. Many sufferers describe this condition as very unpleasant.

But it is interesting to know that this anosmia or hyposmia will be temporary with a taste disorder in Covid19 and you cannot enjoy the taste of food only for a limited time.

Supportive therapies and symptomatic therapies may help speed up recovery of lost sense of smell.

There is currently no specific treatment for recurrent olfactory recurrence following Covid19.


It should be noted that anosmia or hyposmia following viral infection or Covid19 will not be the same as olfactory loss following trauma to the brain and trauma to the skull and head and face, while most anosmia following trauma and brain injury remain permanent and irreversible. But anosmia following Covid19 is transient and resolves within one to three weeks after the onset of the disease.

In other words, in most cases, with the improvement of the infection and the passage of the disease, the smell will return within about seven days and three weeks.

The various theories that have been proposed to describe the cause and mechanism of olfactory disturbance in Covid19 are as follows:

  • Disorder of odor transmission occurs due to damage and inflammation of the nerves of the olfactory nerve.
  • Impairment of superficial receptors on olfactory neurons
  • in some cases, following covid19, Inflammation of the small, delicate arteries that supply nourishment and blood supply to the olfactory nerve.
  • Clogging and congestion of the sinuses and nose are in fact the common mechanism justifying the disturbance and weakness of the sense of smell in all upper respiratory tract respiratory infections.

If we accept the above mechanisms in the development of olfactory disorders of the Covid19, the reversibility of anosmia and the acquisition of olfactory power is justified by the improvement of Covid19.

The coronavirus infects the lungs more than any other tissue, but the main and intrinsic nature of the Covid19 will be disorders and damage and inflammation of the body's arteries. Following this inflammation of the vascular wall, symptoms and manifestations can sometimes be very severe.

Kidney arteries, cerebral arteries and liver arteries may also be damaged and inflamed in reports from around the world.

The increase in sudden deaths in all age groups around the world may be due to inflammation of the cerebral arteries and coronary heart disease following covid19.

Inflammation of the arteries of the brain is also associated with strokes, although they have been rare and will not be far from believable.

It is interesting to note that headache, dizziness and delirium are present in half of people with covid19.

Of course, fever and decreased arterial oxygen saturation in the covid19can also explain the above headache and neurological symptoms.


We have twelve pairs of nerve fibers that go out of the brain, and the olfactory nerve is just one pair.

There are currently no reports of involvement of eleven other pairs of cranial or cranial nerves, and the olfactory nerve is probably the only nerve that is damaged and inflamed in Covid19.

What do American researchers have to say about the cause of anosmia in Covid19?

An enzyme called ACE 2 may be responsible for the loss of odor. This is an enzyme that facilitates the entry of Covid viruses into the cell.



In Italy and Germany, studies have shown that at least two out of every three proven Covid cases have olfactory disorders.

 In China, a study found that olfactory dysfunction was five percent of patients with Covid19 and taste disturbance in six percent.


What to do for smell and taste test at home?

Hold your nostrils tightly with one hand, put jelly candies in your mouth in the hands of others and start chewing them, now tell the taste of the candies you have chewing!

If you understand the taste of candy and its sweet taste, then your sense of taste is healthy. Release your hand from your nose when looking for candy. If you can feel all the smells at once and suddenly, your smell is also healthy.

Of course, this test is known as the jelly candy test, but you can also use other substances that do not stimulate other sensory nerves. According to the evidence in credible researches and studies, olfactory and taste changes are among the initial signs indicating Covid19.

According to credible research and studies, olfactory and sense of taste changes are the early symptoms of covid19, although it has not yet been described as a symptom in covid19 academic guidelines. However, it is recommended that you follow a two-week home quarantine to prevent the spread of a possible infection if your olfactory or taste disorder is sudden and recent.


What can be done to treat anosmia or hyposmia following Covid19?

How to restore the olfactory disorder caused by covid19?

How to cure olfactory disturbance faster?

It is said that people who experience olfactory disturbance during Covid19 develop a mild form of the disease, and often this disorder is only a symptom of Covid19, in other words, these people have completely quietly hosted the new Corona virus and have not had any other problems or symptoms.

The most important infections of the new corona virus will be related to the respiratory system, especially the lungs. After lungs, heart, kidneys and nervous system are in the next ranks. The new coronavirus, which is the causative agent of the current Covid19 and pandemic in the world, is a mutated type of large coronavirus that has long been the cause of human colds.

Following the colds !! the cause of the cold was also a decrease in smell and poor taste, and generally all of these side effects went away on their own without the need for special treatment.

The return of smell will usually be in one to three weeks and in some after one year.

If a person does not have a sense of smell and taste after recovery, he will not respond to treatment and his sense of smell will not return.

The degree of damage to the olfactory nerve in people with Covid19 is different, so it would be natural for these people to mention a range of olfactory disorders.

In summary, olfactory disorders in Covid19 have two main causes.

  1. Obstructive and congestive problems of the nose
  2. Direct and independent damage of the new Covid19 virus to olfactory nerve cells or olfactory neurons beneath the nasal mucosa.

If the cause of olfactory disorder is nasal congestion, it can be relieved or alleviated with medication and symptomatic treatment.

However, if the olfactory defect is due to damage to the olfactory nerve, treatment and return of anosmia with medicine is not possible, and elimination of inflammation and the passage of the disease period are necessary to repair the nerve.


Ways to Accelerate the Recovery of a Missing olfactory in Corona:

  • Medicines:
  • Consumption of supplements containing zinc
  • Take a proper supplement containing vitamin A.
  • Proper consumption of omega-3 supplements
  • Consumption of supplements containing B complex
  • Daily nasal lavage with normal saline
  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Do not forget to brush twice a day
  • Make sure you are hydrated enough
  • It may be necessary to use nasal sprays
  • Use fluticadone, nasonex, oxymetazoline
  • These sprays should be used only with a doctor's prescription
  • Sugar-free cold candy with lemon and eucalyptus flavor
  • Quit smoking and drugs


Unlike other olfactory disorders in which corticosteroids are prescribed in resistant cases, corticosteroids cannot be easily used to improve olfactory in Covid.

Antibiotics have no effect, do not use them arbitrarily.


  • The following exercises can speed up your olfactory recovery:

In fact, these exercises are considered olfactory physiotherapy.

Inhale regularly throughout the day

This method, according to credible research, helps to restore the lost sense of smell quickly following Covid 19.


  • Oral physiotherapy

Four different scents are selected

The most common of these four sets is as follows:

Lemon, rosemary Rose or rose, eucalyptus, clove

Prepare the pure essential oil of these scents and smell each scent for twenty to thirty seconds every day.

There should be a gap of twenty seconds between the two odors

The four groups of scents are as follows:

In aromatherapy, there are several main groups of odors:

  1. The first group: lemons, tangerines, oranges, oranges
  2. The second group: mint, eucalyptus, lavender
  3. The third group: roses, cardamom, satin flowers
  4. Fourth group: cloves, pepper, cinnamon, marjoram,


You can choose a different combination of four scent each week.


Safety tips in aromatherapy

  • pregnant women
  • Women with heart problems
  • People with a history of seizures
  • Children are very young
  • It is better to use aromatherapy with a doctor's approval
  • Aromatherapy should not last more than fifteen minutes at a time.
  • Do not use non-standard and very concentrated or high volume essential oils

Doctors believe that having hope and belief in the improvement of olfactory defects will play a very important role in the return of odor following the Covid19.

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