sudden feeling of passing out anxiety

If you have experienced sudden stress and anxiety, if you want to know the causes of sudden filling out passing anxiety, Read more
Often dizziness is associated with anxiety under the following headings
Light headedness
Often people with lightheadedness do not experience a sense of rotation around the head or rotation around the environment themselves. Rather, they complain of a kind of spinning within themselves. Sometimes light-headed people describe it as follows:
Sense of swaying even though they are standing still
There may be people who become faint after dealing with an anxious situation. It is recommended that these people use the technique of deep breathing, that is, they do a deep and powerful breath and send air into their lungs with great power.Then complete the exhalation gradually, counting to ten. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe medication to control fainting in anxious situations, especially if the person has a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Feelings of lightheadedness and little fainting are not uncommon in adults and are considered common. Although his feeling, does not require urgent care, it requires that people with the disease be very careful.
Because falling in unsafe places can be associated with intracranial hemorrhage, pelvic and femoral head and wrist fractures, and...
In the following, we will explain why some people suddenly feel anxious.
If you are in the upper group
If you are a person with a history of panic attack, it is better to read our article
Are you a person who is suddenly attacked by fear and anxiety or panic?
If you have experienced panic attacks and are looking for complete information about Sudden Anxiety Attack
Follow us in the following:
In this article, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about sudden anxiety attacks in understandable, fluent way.
Sudden onset of anxiety or panic attacks.
Panic Attack has been described as a sudden onset of panic that is accompanied by the appearance of physical reactions and physical manifestations.
Doctors say that although people with this disorder experience a sudden onset of high levels of fear and sometimes fear of premature death, most of these attacks are not life-threatening and will not be life-threatening.
During a panic attack, a person suddenly feels like they are having a heart attack or suffocation, or they are dying, or they will soon lose control, but be aware that none of these things happen.
Sudden onset of panic attacks and anxiety attacks can be really debilitating. During an attack, the sufferer may become immobile. He has a palpitation and a strong heartbeat, he cannot breathe easily before the attack and he feels like he is going crazy, and is losing control and dying.
Sudden attacks of anxiety or panic attack will not be fatal, they will not lead to a heart attack, but they are very annoying and can reduce the quality of life of the sufferer.
Keep in mind that despite the annoyance of this condition, fortunately therapeutic measures in the treatment of patients with sudden onset of anxiety and panic attack can be very effective and useful and successful.
There are many people who experience one or two panic attacks in their lifetime, the problem of these people will usually improve on their own by relieving the stressful situation and improving the situation and establishing stability and calm. If you, or your friends or relatives, are experiencing persistent seizures, if you are constantly experiencing sudden and unpredictable seizures, you are more likely to have panic disorder.
Statistics and Epidemiology
According to reliable sources, panic attack in adults is about two percent throughout life expectancy.
Lifetime rate panic attack is nine percent.
Risk factors:
What are the risk factors for getting Attack Panic?
The following people are more at risk of sudden anxiety attacks than others in the community:
- People with a positive family history of panic attacks or panic disorder.
- People faced with major stresses such as
- Death or incurable disease of the people you love.
- People who have experienced stressful events, such as people who have been raped or, for example, people who have had very serious accidents (traumatic events)
- Major changes in life, such as people experiencing divorce or someone who has become a mother or father for the first time
- Smokers
- Alcohol consumers
- Women are at greater risk of panic attacks and panic disorder than men
The most common age range for this disorder is usually twenty to twenty-nine years old, but both teens and children in their thirties and forties may experience a sudden onset of anxiety.
Severe stress such as the death of a loved one, divorce, dismissal from work can be considered the main triggers of sudden anxiety attacks. In addition to the above, in cases of physical problems and disorders may be effective in causing these attacks and panic disorder.
The 3-3-3 Rule:
Do you know what The 3-3-3 Rule applies to anxiety?
The 3-3-3 Rule is a way to relieve anxiety included
Look around and say the names of the three things you see
Name three sounds that can be heard in your surroundings.
Move three parts of your body, such as your ankles, fingers, and arms.
What are the symptoms of Panic attacks?
When you suddenly have an anxiety attack, you usually do not receive a warning in advance.
These attacks can occur at any time, for example while driving, while swimming in a pool or sea, while sleeping, in the middle of a classroom, in the middle of an important business meeting, while shopping in a shopping center.
Certainly panic attacks will vary from person to person, usually with symptoms and manifestations lasting up to a few minutes.
And most people report feeling very tired following a sudden onset of anxiety.
Common symptoms of panic attacks or panic disorder include:
- Abundant sweating
- Severe tremor
- Sudden shortness of breath
- Feeling of pressure on the throat
- Feeling suffocated
- Nausea
- Chest pain
- Feeling of pressure and heaviness on the chest
- Abdominal pain

- Hyperthermia and a feeling of high heat
- Headache
- Vertigo
- fainting
- Feeling the heartbeat
- Fear of losing control
- Feeling suffocated early
- Feeling of early death, getting rid of people and individuals
- Having unreal feelings that do not really exist
What are the criteria for diagnosing an attack panic?
It cannot be said that all people who experience sudden panic attacks have panic attacks. There should be a set of rules and regulations governing the sufferer's history and experience of panic
The sufferer must be constantly attacked by an unexpected onset of anxiety and panic.
There should be a one-month interval between two attacks
The attack occurs because the person is afraid of repeating the attack.
The person is constantly afraid of repeating the attack. She is afraid that she might get attacked and lose control, go crazy, or have a heart attack or stroke.
A person with a history of panic constantly avoids provocative situations and situations.
When a sudden onset of panic and anxiety is called panic attack that does not seek medication
When there is a sudden onset of panic and anxiety, it is called panic attack that has not occurred following an illness or other disorder such as social phobia or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
When a person experiences a sudden onset of fear and anxiety and seeks medical attention, For the manifestations and symptoms, the doctor will first try to examine the more serious causes as well as the physical causes. In order to discover the possible causes, in addition to obtaining an accurate history, personal and family history, a sudden anxiety attack is asked.
A complete list of all therapeutic and supplement medications is requested, such as:
- History of drug consumption
- History of alcohol consumption
- Smoking
Your doctor may also use the following diagnostic aids to rule out possible physical causes.
- ECG, electrocardiograph or EKG or ECG
- Thyroid function test
What to do to get rid of sudden anxiety attacks
Treatments fall into two main categories:
- Drug therapy
- Psychotherapy
Sometimes a combination of the two is used.
If the treatments are done correctly and the patient receives treatment sessions, they will be well able to reduce the number and severity of the attacks and improve the quality of life of the person.
- Psychotherapy to improve panic attacks:
The most effective continuous method in panic attack is psychotherapy.
During treatment sessions, the sufferer will learn to understand his or her disorder better and find out how he can deal with it
- CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT:
It is a kind of psychotherapy.
In this technique, the sufferer learns more than ever about panic and sudden panic disorder and learns more about panic disorder.
At CBT sessions, the person realizes that panic attacks are not dangerous and that they are not going to die during the panic attacks, or that they are not going to suffocate, or that they are not going to go crazy or lose control during a sudden panic attack.
During the treatment sessions, the psychotherapist will help the patient to reconstruct the symptoms and manifestations of panic in a safe and secure environment and gradually learn the appropriate reaction to those manifestations.
Little by little, the sufferer realizes that panic attacks will not threaten his life, so the fear and anxiety of death or insanity or fear of secrecy in the sufferer will disappear.
Gradually, as the sessions continue, the person learns to overcome his or her fears and anxieties in stressful situations.
Symptoms usually subside within a few weeks of starting treatment.
The person being treated must be patient and know that achieving lasting therapeutic results is time consuming and requires effort. After a few months and the continuation of treatment, the symptoms and manifestations of the attacks have sharply and clearly decreased.
Take the continuation and follow-up of treatment sessions and regular contact with psychotherapists seriously to achieve appropriate results.
- Sudden attacks of fear and anxiety and medication:
The drug groups used are as follows:
- First group: Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI:
The side effects and risks of SSRIs are minimal.
Antidepressants are first-line drugs in the treatment and management of panic attacks.
They are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment and management of panic attacks and panic disorder.
- The second group: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor or SNRI
These categories are also antidepressants
From this group. A drug called venlafaxine is FDA approved for the treatment and management of panic attacks.
Drugs that fall into this category are agents that suppress the central nervous system.
The following drugs are FDA-approved in the treatment of panic attack or panic disorder.
These categories will have a lot of dependence, so they should be used only with a doctor's prescription and in a short period of time.
If you drink alcohol If you use drugs, benzodiazepines can cause you serious problems and complications.
If you take long-acting drugs that suppress the nervous system, their interaction with benzodiazepines can be extremely dangerous.
The doctor will usually start an SSRI to start treatment, and if there is no appropriate therapeutic response, depending on the patient's condition, medication or other drugs will be added.
Some medications take several weeks for their therapeutic results to appear.
If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, be sure to tell your doctor so he or she can prescribe the right medicine for you.
Complications of untreated
The worst experience for people with the disease is that the person is terrified and anxious about the recurrence of the attack.
This anxiety and panic keeps the sufferer from participating in social settings.
All aspects of an infected person's life will be harmed if left untreated. Repetition of sudden attacks of fear and anxiety will frighten the affected person and change his life.
Panic attack or panic disorders can be associated with the following complications if left untreated.
The formation of phobias in the affected person, such as:
- fear of driving or fear of leaving home
- Stay away from friends and the community
- Facing serious problems at school or university or at work
- Occurrence of financial problems,
- Tendency to abuse alcohol
- Tendency to abuse drugs
- Occurrence of depression, anxiety and other mental and emotional problems
- The need for constant care of others
- Increased suicidal ideas
- Increased risk of suicide
There is no single, definitive way to prevent panic attacks
But you can get help from the following:
- Start treatment as soon as possible to reduce the risk of recurrence of seizures
- Keep track of your treatment plan, write down psychotherapy sessions, and keep your psychotherapist informed of your symptoms and problems between sessions if needed.
- Have regular exercise and proper physical activity, doing aerobic exercise can play an effective role in improving your mood and yourself.
- Join Support Groups In these groups you will meet other people who have a similar problem to you and you will benefit from a collective experience.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sources.
- Use effective stress management activities such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing techniques and stretching to reduce your fear and anxiety.
- Get enough quality sleep throughout the day
When attacking, you can use the following techniques to stop your attack.
- Close your eyes if you are in a safe place
- This eliminates the environmental stimuli
- Hit your foot on the floor !!!!, touching the texture of the clothes you are wearing, focusing on the sense of touch will help you to dominate the environment.
- Focus on a specific object, such as the hands of a clock
- try to describe the appearance of an object you see
- Muscle relaxation technique
For example, start these exercises by relaxing your fingers
- Imagine you are in a memorable place or a happy situation
- Try to recreate all the places and conditions in your mind
- Drink lavender tea
- Start with light exercise, Swim, run, walk
In the following, you will read the differences between a Panic attack and an anxiety attack.
A panic attack can occur without a stimulus, but an anxiety attack must be in response to a stressful situation.
The severity of symptoms in a panic attack is much more severe than in an anxiety attack. The severity of symptoms in a mild to severe anxiety attack can increase.
In panic attack, there can be a sense of detachment from reality and detachment from the real environment around the person.
The onset of a panic attack is unannounced. The severity of the symptoms of an anxiety attack can get worse in the minutes or hours or days
Panic attacks usually subside after a few minutes, but anxiety symptoms can persist for months or even years.