swollen right testicle without pain
If you have swelling without right testicular pain and this has caused you concern. If you want to know the causes of swelling without pain in the right testicle, read more. In this article, we have collected all the information you need about unilateral and painless testicular swelling and presented it in simple language.

What will you read next
Swelling of the testicles can occur at any age.
Swelling of the testicles is sometimes unilateral and involves only the right testicle or the left testicle.
Sometimes testicular swelling is bilateral.
Swelling of the testicles can be painless or painful and sudden.
When to see a doctor?
It is very important to differentiate between normal and benign causes and non-benign ones, so it is important to see a doctor if you notice any of the following changes.
- Any swelling of the right testicle
- Feeling of heaviness in the right scrotum
- Feeling of a lump in the right testicle
- Any painful swelling of the testicles

Accompanying symptoms:
Symptoms of testicular swelling depend on the underlying cause of the swelling. In cases where there is no pain, swelling of the right testicle may be associated with the following manifestations:
- Heavy feeling in the right testicle or groin
- The presence of blood in the semen fluid
Below we get acquainted with the causes of unilateral swelling of the testicle, which is not painful.
Causes of painless swelling of the right testicle:
- Epididymal cyst or spermatocele:
The epididymis is a spiral-like structure located behind the testicles that is responsible for storing and transporting sperm produced by the testicles.
Sometimes a small, fluid-filled mass grows in the epididymis. The growth of this mass, called an epididymal cyst, is gradual.
The main symptom is only unilateral swelling of the testicles or there is heaviness in the right or left testicle. There is usually no pain unless the cyst is large enough to push around or become infected.
Varicose veins of the testicles are called varicocele.
Varicose mean that the veins that are responsible for draining blood from the testicles dilate and twist.
Varicocele usually develops on the testicles and on the left side of the scrotum. Doctors describe a varicocele mass as: A soft lump on the testicle that is sometimes thought to have touched a sac full of worm.
Lumps and masses are usually the only symptoms of varicocele. Sometimes a person states that there is heaviness in the affected testicle. There is generally no pain, but in the case of varicocele, in rare cases, there may be problems with fertility.
Doctors have linked varicocele to infertility in men.
Unilateral swelling of the scrotum, due to fluid accumulation.
Painless swelling can be present in the right testicle or the left testicle or both.
Most male infants develop hydrocele, but sometimes adult boys and men also develop hydrocele. Some adults may have discomfort and heaviness, and in some cases pain associated with testicular swelling.
Hydrocele in boys and men is said to be caused by testicular damage or testicular infection.
If the intestines and part of the adipose tissue, under pressure from the defects and weakness of the lower abdominal wall, enter the groin, upper thighs, and scrotum in men, we say that a hernia has occurred. Hernias are actually abnormal movements of organs from their normal location.
Inguinal hernia occurs as a lump or mass in the groin or as a one-sided, painless swelling of the scrotum on the right or left side. This swelling increase when sneezing, coughing, and straining, and is painless. Until, for whatever reason, the blood supply to the trapped intestine is disrupted or interrupted. In these cases, a person experiences sudden and severe pain.
In these cases, that scrotum, which normally contains the testicles, appears swollen, so in painless unilateral swelling of the testicles, the opposite side should be examined by a doctor.
- Tumors and testicular cancers:
Almost all cases of testicular swelling are benign and noncancerous, but sometimes a testicular cancer manifests itself with unilateral swelling of the testicles.
Testicular tumor mainly develops on one testicle, ie right or left.
Testicular cancerous tumors are unilateral and grow slowly, and the mass is present on the testicle itself and not in the scrotum.
Other symptoms include:
- Painless swelling of a testicle (There may be men who a have discomfort or heaviness in the testicles with a tumor)
- Heavy testicles
- Testicular stiffness
- Insensitivity to touch in swollen testicles
It is interesting to note that although almost all cancers increase in risk with age, but testicular tumors are more common in men between the ages of nineteen and forty-nine. And older men get testicular tumors very rarely.
Painless swelling of the right testicle should be checked by a doctor.
You will be asked questions about pain, discomfort and heaviness in the back, abdomen and groin.
The existence of pain in sexual intercourse is questioned.
It is questioned about the presence of blood in the semen.
bout the existence of discharge from the tip of the penis will be asked.
Questions about Dysuria.
questions about a history of trauma to the testicles or groin is asked.
On examination:
- The size of the testicles
- Mass condition
- Hard or soft consistency of the testicles
- The presence or absence of tenderness in the testicles
Is checked.
Sometimes doctors differentiate hydrocele from other causes of painless swelling of the right testicle by shining a small light on the testicle.
If light passes through the mass, hydrocele is likely, solid and topographic masses cannot pass light.
In case of suspicion of infection, a urine test is requested and the sample is taken with a swab from the tip of the penis and sent to the laboratory for study.?//??/
The doctor uses testicular ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. Ultrasound can differentiate a hard or solid mass from a cyst and hydrocele. Ultrasound can also determine if a testicular mass is cancerous.
Treatment of painless swelling of the right testicle
The method of treatment depends entirely on the cause of the swelling.
If the hydrocele becomes chronic or causes pain and discomfort, a surgery called a hydrocelectomy will be performed.
After the operation, there may be some pain and discomfort and swelling and discharge from the wound, which is temporary.
In the early stages, if there is discomfort, it is recommended to use acetaminophen and wear testicular protective clothing.
Surgery may be used as varicocele persists.
Closing a varicose vein, called varicocele embolization, sometimes requires surgery so that the surgeon can see the varicose vein directly and close it or remove it.
- Treatment of spermatocele or epididymal cyst:
These progressive cysts do not require treatment. If the cyst grows or causes discomfort, it is necessary to see a urologist. You may need surgery. In this surgery, a small incision is made in the scrotum and the cyst is removed and the incision is closed with an absorption suture.
- Treatment of inguinal hernia:
Laparoscopic surgery
Open surgery
is mandatory in the following cases:
If there are signs and symptoms of cessation and impaired blood flow to the intestines trapped in the hernia sac, such as severe and sudden pain
Nausea and vomiting
Tumor and testicular cancer
The type of testicular tumor will determine the course of treatment.
Removal of testicular tumors or orchiectomy is often necessary, and depending on the type of tumor, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or both, is required.