sun damage to eyes

sun damage to eyes


What do you know about the types of light damage to the eyes?

Can our eyes be seriously damaged in the face of different lights?

What are the differences between eye damage caused by light?

The eye is damaged by exposure to different lights, and if you want to get acquainted with eye damage caused by different lights, we recommend that you read more.


What you will read next:



What are the damages caused by sunlight on our eyes?

What harm does sunlight do to children's eyes?

What are the clinical manifestations of severe sun damage to the eye?

What are the damages on the eye from exposure to blue light?

Eye sensitivity to light or photophobia

What are the manifestations of light sensitivity?

What are the damages to the eye from exposure to light waves?

What can we do to deal with sun damage to the eyes?

How can blue light eye injuries be prevented?





There are many people who ask doctors about eye damage caused by exposure to different light. Did you know that eye damage caused by sunlight, light bulbs, light of digital devices and other light-producing sources are different from each other? for example A person who is exposed to a lot of the sun's ultraviolet rays can experience vision loss due to this radiation.

Damage to the retina will be very likely following exposure to sunlight.

That is why doctors insist on using standard sunglasses in children and adults.

Let's see what are the damages to the eye in the face of various lights such as sunlight and blue light emitted by digital monitors?


What are the damages caused by sunlight on our eyes?

Our eyesight is vulnerable to sunlight. We know that ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun cause damage to our eyes, so use sunglasses that have an ultraviolet filter, ie glasses with the standard 400 wv should be used at all ages.

Sunlight has both ultraviolet and infrared rays. Infrared rays are absorbed by the lens of the human eye and do not harm the eye, but ultraviolet rays can damage your eyes. Ultraviolet rays have wide blue wavelengths.

It is interesting to note that the damage done to the eye by the three wavelengths of ultraviolet light is somewhat different, For example, ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of b can cause cataracts in the long run and damage the yellow spot or the center of vision of the retina at the base of your eye.

Damage to the retina with some ultraviolet wavelengths will cause permanent vision loss.


What harm does sunlight do to children's eyes?

Exposure to sunlight in children is different from adults. In other words, children's eyes are more sensitive to ultraviolet rays than adults and suffer more damage. In adults, the lens of the eye absorbs a significant amount of ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun.

But this is not the case in children. Children have lenses that are young and clear, and UV rays pass through it more easily, reaching the posterior lens and the yellow spot and the retina, and in children the retina and the yellow spot, which is the sensitive center for vision is at risk of serious injury.


What are the clinical manifestations of severe sun damage to the eye?

Signs that an eye has been severely damaged by sunlight include:

  • Eye irritation
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Dry eyes
  • Sensitivity of the eyes
  • Eye irritation
  • Premature cataract
  • Retinal damage to the visual center or the last yellow spot

The latter causes permanent vision loss.


What are the damages on the eye from exposure to blue light?

When we want to talk about blue light, it is better to divide blue light into two categories: blue light that is emitted from natural sources and actually reaches us from the sun, and artificial blue light that is emitted from the monitors of digital devices and is the main factor in dryness and Eye fatigue.

Our eyes are sensitive to the three colors red, green, and blue and are received by special cells in the retina called light-sensitive cone receptors.

Blue has the shortest wavelength, which means that the above wavelength has the highest energy.

When we want to look at the problem theoretically, we must say that blue light has a short wavelength and a lot of energy, so it can cause damage to body tissues. Eye fatigue caused by artificial blue light emitted from monitors of digital devices is the main ocular complication in people who are exposed to digital screens and LED lamps for a long time, staring at these screens can damage the retina and lens, but what is certain is that people who stare at digital screens blink one third at the time in compared to other people. Reducing the number of blinkers causes dry eyes, less spreading of tears in the eye, red eye, eye fatigue, and the person tends to rub his eyes.

Also, concentration problems


Back pain and neck pain

can be more common in these people.

Digital eye pressure is associated with blue light, and digital eye pressure is associated with prolonged exposure to blue light emitting monitors rather than blue light.

Normally a person should blink 15 to 20 times a minute. This amount is reduced to one third in a person who stares at these screens. Dry eyes can cause eye fatigue, as well as muscle fatigue, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, and headaches.

In order for a person with dry eye to cope with digital eye pressure syndrome, it is recommended that regular cleansing not be forgotten.

Blinking causes the tears to cover the eyes and prevent irritability, dryness and discomfort.


Eye sensitivity to light or photophobia

Sensitivity to light is a condition in which the brightness of the surrounding lights and lamps causes discomfort to the eyes. Sensitivity to light is called photophobia and is a common symptom that is associated with corneal disorders.

Disorders associated with photophobia can be minor irritations or cases that are so severe that they require emergency medical intervention.

Mild cases occur in a bright room outside the house when the sun is shining, and the person closes their eyes in the face of them.

In more severe cases, any light that a person encounters can cause significant pain in the eye.

The important point is that even if the photosensitivity or photophobia is relieved, you should see a doctor to find out the cause.

Once the cause of photophobia is known, it is easier to relieve other symptoms.


What are the manifestations of light sensitivity?

Sensitivity to light can be in a wide range of light emitting sources

Sunlight, light bulbs, mobile, TV screen and so on

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Severe eye pain when looking at light
  • Excessive need to close the eyes
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue


What are the damages to the eye from exposure to light waves?

In the face of sunlight, the eye is damaged due to serious changes in the yellow spot, which is located in the sensitive center of vision behind the eye.

It can cause permanent vision loss. Also, if a person does not protect their eyes from UV rays, the risk of skin cancer in the eyelids and around the eyes will increase.

Glare Sensitivity is the most important complication that occurs due to the high intensity of light. This condition is caused by direct light to the eye and the reflection of light from transparent surfaces to our eyes.


What can we do to deal with sun damage to the eyes?

The following tips are essential in choosing sunglasses so that we can protect our eyes.

Glasses should absorb at least 89 to 100 percent of the UV. The best glasses are the UV400, which can absorb all the UV rays.

When choosing a spectacle frame, make sure that the sun's rays do not enter the eye around the frame. Glasses of spectacles absorb some of the ultraviolet rays, and if these glasses are photochromic, they can completely absorb harmful rays.

The best sunglasses are the glasses that have the least chance of breaking and give the best vision and the least fatigue to your eyes.

No need to worry, It is enough that the glass is of standard 400 uv and there is no need to buy expensive glasses at all..

Avoid buying glasses separately from vendors and buy reputable glasses only from licensed eyewear stores or pharmacies.


How can blue light eye injuries be prevented?

To prevent this problem, it must be said that it has not yet been proven that blue light emitted from digital screens can cause serious damage to the lens or retina. to reduce eye fatigue and dry eyes caused by looking at digital screens and also to improve sleep rhythm you can install blue light filters on mobile phones with different operating systems.

Either you cannot use these devices in dark environments or reduce the brightness of their screens.

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