period like discomfort in early pregnancy

period like discomfort in early pregnancy


If you are likely to be pregnant but feel pain similar to the pain of your period

If you want to know more about menstrual cramps during pregnancy.

If you are worried about early pregnancy pain, we recommend that you read more.


Evaluation of pain in the first trimester of pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancies and period-like pain in the first weeks of pregnancy

What is meant by ectopic pregnancy?


Definition of abortion

Symptoms of abortion

Types of abortions

Tips to reduce pain



In this article, we are going to talk about the pain that may be very similar to PMS and the pain of your period and come to you in early pregnancy. Doctors believe that mild, brief, and tolerable pain experienced in the first weeks of pregnancy is normal.

And they emphasize that these pains will be normal only when they are very mild and completely tolerable, and in fact they are not a tangible, sharp and annoying pain.

Severe, unbearable pain under the heart or around the navel should be taken very seriously. This type of pain can be a sign of a threat of miscarriage and should be checked immediately by a doctor.


Evaluation of pain in the first trimester of pregnancy

If you want to get scientific information about abdominal pain in early pregnancy, complete and in simple language, read more:


  • Abdominal pelvic pain:

You should know that in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is possible for pain to occur in the pelvis and the whole pelvis of a pregnant woman. These physiological pains in the pelvis are common, but what is the cause of these pains?


With an increase in progesterone during pregnancy, in addition to the uterine wall, which relaxes to hold the fetus, the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that support the uterus in the pelvis also relax. These changes can be accompanied by mild pain in the pelvis.

Thigh ligaments, which relax due to the effects of pregnancy hormones, are also a cause of mild pain in early pregnancy that can feel like menstrual cramps and the person may even  feel pain in lower left abdomen when coughing.


  • Threat of abortion:

One of the most serious conditions for a pregnant woman is the threat of abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Doctors say these conditions may cause pain similar to the period in early pregnancy, this type of pain will always be accompanied by spotting or bleeding.

In these cases, there are pains similar to the pain of menstruation in early pregnancy, which may be accompanied by brown bleeding or a large amount of light blood coming out.


It is important to note that there is a special condition called a forgotten abortion!! in which a pregnant woman experiences menstrual-like pain in the lower abdomen and around the navel. These pains usually occur in the first weeks of pregnancy and the exception is that they will be without bleeding. Early in pregnancy, you should take the described signs, symptoms, and conditions seriously.

If your doctor suspects that you may have a miscarriage or you have had a missed miscarriage, the first step is to have an abdominal ultrasound. If your doctor finds out that you are at risk for a miscarriage after an examination and ultrasound.

It will help you continue your pregnancy by providing essential advice such as reducing daily physical activity, resting in bed, stopping walking and going up and down stairs, and in more advanced conditions, using abortion drugs such as progesterone suppositories and will help you to continue your pregnancy in a better and safer condition.


Ectopic pregnancies and period-like pain in the first weeks of pregnancy

From the beginning, we must say that ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency, the fetus will not survive in ectopic pregnancies and rupture of the fallopian tube and ectopic pregnancy can cause loss of life of the pregnant mother. So read the following lines carefully and remember.


What is meant by ectopic pregnancy?

When doctors use the term ectopic pregnancy to describe the following conditions:

The presence of the fertilization product and the fetus somewhere outside the uterus, for example inside one of the fallopian tubes (the most common form of ectopic pregnancy occurs in one of the fallopian tubes), or inside the abdominal cavity or on the ovary or inside the ovary and sometimes on Cervix.


Doctors say that ninety-eight percent of all ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube. In early pregnancy, because the fetus is very small, imaging tests show that despite the woman's pregnancy, there are no signs of the fetus inside the fallopian tube. This means a woman who has a positive pregnancy blood test, but no intrauterine ultrasound shows any signs of the fetus.

Even the fallopian tubes do not show any sign of the fetus. Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition and should not be ignored.

Therefore, these women should be followed carefully and at very short intervals

Over time, as the fetus grows, a woman with an ectopic pregnancy will develop abdominal pain.

Pay close attention to the features of abdominal pain in ectopic pregnancy and its accompanying symptoms, which we will write about below.

Abdominal pain in ectopic pregnancy is a sharp and generally unilateral pain or sharp abdominal pain that is felt on one side sharper and more severe.



Accompanying symptoms include:

  • Mild bleeding
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Low blood pressure

If the pregnant woman is not taken care of in this situation, a rupture of the fallopian tube will occur and there will be very heavy bleeding, which will lead to the shock of the mother due to blood loss and eventually a decrease in the level of consciousness and death of the mother.

Therefore, it is necessary for all pregnant women to be familiar with the signs and symptoms of abortion threatening conditions and warning signs of ectopic pregnancy. And know that in cases of suspicion of high-risk conditions, they should immediately inform their doctor and midwife.

We now need to describe the difference between the threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Doctors say that in abortion, bleeding is preferable to pain.

But the dose of ectopic pregnancy is more preferable despite the pain than bleeding


Definition of abortion

This is how doctors define abortion

Sudden loss of pregnancy some time before the 28th week of pregnancy

If a miscarriage occurs after the 28th week of pregnancy, it is called stillbirth, not abortion.

Reasons that put women at risk for ectopic pregnancy:

  • Having a previous history of self-ectopic pregnancy
  • History of ectopic pregnancy in mother, aunt and sisters
  • Existence of large uterine fibroids
  • Women smokers
  • Women with a history of pelvic adhesions
  • Women with IUDs
  • Women with endometriosis means the presence of tissue inside the lining of the uterus outside the uterus

It is better to pay attention to the following articles about abdominal pain in early pregnancy


Any bleeding during pregnancy will not mean a miscarriage, and light and transient bleeding can be safe.

Doctors consider vaginal bleeding to be the most common sign of miscarriage. This bleeding can be as severe as spotting or heavy bleeding with blood.

Fragments of tissue or clots may also be seen in the blood


Symptoms of abortion

Note the following symptoms:

The presence of back pain, mild to severe, that has just begun, continues and is exacerbated. These pains are similar to the pains you felt during contractions during your period, except that they intensify during abortion.

Weight loss

There is pink or white vaginal discharge.

Painful contractions are repeated every five to twenty minutes

There is vaginal bleeding or spotting that may have clots or pieces of tissue, such as vaginal blood.

In addition to experiencing menstrual cramps that increase and intensify, you suddenly lose pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and breast pain.


Types of abortions

  • Threat of abortion:

Occurs in early pregnancy and occurs with some degree of vaginal bleeding with back pain and contractions similar to menstrual cramps.

The cervix is ​​not yet fully open and there is only a small amount of bleeding. This condition can be treated with timely diagnosis and treatment.


  • Incomplete abortion:

In this situation, the pregnant woman feels menstrual-like pains that are intensifying, there will be pain in the abdomen, back and lower back, pain with bleeding and excretion of parts of the tissue, but not all the tissue will come out.


  • Complete abortion:

Bleeding and pain will progress when the entire fetus and all related products are removed.

The other two types of abortion are described by doctors, which we have listed below:


  • Forgotten abortion:

A pregnant woman dies in the womb without realizing it, but is not removed

At this time, the pregnant woman realizes that she has lost her pregnancy symptoms and the fetus is not growing at all.


  • Spontaneous abortion:

Defects in the egg or abnormalities in fetal growth and development have led to spontaneous abortion of the fetus.


  • Recurrent miscarriage:

Doctors use the term when an injector has three miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In these cases, doctors examine some hormonal disorders, genetic problems and structural abnormalities in the uterus.


The main purpose of this article is to get to know you as a woman or the cases that may occur with pain similar to menstrual pain in early pregnancy and Know the warning manifestations and possible side effects and find out when it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately or go to the hospital urgently.

Know that feeling a slight pain in the lower abdomen may be one of the first signs of pregnancy. We have said above what the causes of these physiological pains are. Very early uterine contractions may cause menstrual-like pain that is accompanied by a small amount of spotting or very little bleeding.


Period-like pain in early pregnancy will be due to hormonal changes and changes in the mother's body to adapt to pregnancy

Sometimes around twelve weeks of pregnancy, some pregnant women experience deep unilateral or bilateral pain, which is usually the quality of the pain is stretched or twisted, and the pain occurs following normal changes in the mother's body to adapt to pregnancy.

Stomachache in early pregnancy may be similar to abdominal pain during menstruation.

Menstrual cramps are commonly felt in early pregnancy and will be a normal pain that is very mild and tolerable and transient, If you have pain that is progressive and intensifying. if you have severe and unbearable pain or frequent spotting and bleeding. If you are lethargic or bored, or if you have continued to have pain, pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and breast pain Contact your doctor immediately


Tips to reduce pain

After rejecting high-risk cases, you can use the following methods to reduce period-like abdominal; pain in early pregnancy:

  • Rest in the hot tub
  • Put a hot water bag on your stomach
  • Back and lumbar massage
  • Walking
  • Swim

The above procedures should be performed with the approval of your doctor. These can reduce contractions and menstrual-like pain.


The final words

It is not bad to pay attention to the following statistics at the end.

The risk of miscarriage in all women during pregnancy is about ten to twenty-five percent

Women under the age of 35 are 15 percent more likely to have an abortion

The probability of miscarriage in women thirty-five to forty-five years old is twenty to thirty-five percent

The probability of miscarriage in women over forty-five years is fifty percent

If a woman has a history of miscarriage, the probability of a miscarriage increases by twenty-five percent.

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