lumps right side of abdomen
If you have recently noticed a lump on the right side of your abdomen. If you have recently had a lump on the right side of your abdomen, and you are concerned we recommend you to read more. In the following, we provide the information you need to know about the masses on the right side of the body in simple language.
Introduction: Abdominal lumps are actually swellings of masses and lumps that are acute and sudden on the right or left side of the abdomen.
They are smooth to the touch, but we should know that in general the consistency of the lumps and masses that form in the right abdomen depends on their root cause.
What you will read next:
Causes of right abdominal lump
It is said that in most cases, the protrusions on the right side of the abdomen follow a hernia. Abdominal hernias occur when the structures that make up the anterior abdominal wall are weakened and the internal organs, such as the intestines, use this weakness in your abdominal wall to create a lump on the surface of the body.
The anterior wall of the abdomen is made up of layers of muscles that are sometimes weakened for a variety of reasons, such as after surgery, after surgical incisions, after trauma, or congenitally. These weaknesses are actually where the internal organs of the abdomen, when the pressure inside the abdomen rises, take advantage of and create a lump.
Abdominal hernias, as we have said, are the most common lumps that form on the right side of the abdomen and, despite their prevalence, they can be easily corrected with surgery. In a handful of cases, the lumps in the right abdominal wall may be a benign hamartoma or a benign lipoma.
And in much rarer cases, it may be a cancerous tumor.
What are the common causes of bulbs on the right side of the abdomen?
In fact, the main cause of abdominal lumps are hernias. the term hernia is used in medicine, In medicine, the term hernia is used when the internal organs of the body have been moved to a place other than their natural location for some reason. Hernias that occur in the abdomen, occur when the internal organs take advantage of the weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall when the pressure in the abdomen increases.
This increase in intra-abdominal pressure occurs when, for example, a person pushes or has a deep and hard cough for a long time, lifts a heavy object, or, for example, Many people notice lumps on the right side of the abdomen when they are constipated, following straining and increased intra-abdominal pressure.
There are different types of hernias, and here are three of the most common ones that can cause palpable lumps on the right side of the abdomen:
Inguinal hernia or groin hernia:
Groin hernia occurs when, due to a weakness in the strength and integrity of the muscle wall in front of the abdomen and lower abdomen, part of the intestine and the soft tissues inside the abdomen and pelvis take advantage of this defect and enter the spaces near the groin.
Therefore, a person with this hernia will feel very severe pain in the part of the hernia when he coughs or breathes deeply or lifts a heavy object and will notice a protrusion.
An interesting point to know is that in most cases, a person with this hernia may not have clinical symptoms and only occasionally notice their symptoms. We must say that the hernia alone cannot cause a complication or hurt you.
But if the organs inside the sac are suffocated for some reason, and the blood flow to the intestines and the organs trapped inside the sac is cut off, then serious complications begin that can even lead to intestinal obstruction and emergency conditions.
Umbilical hernia:
Umbilical hernia is very similar to groin hernia and occurs around the umbilicus and occurs in young children and newborns.
And it is interesting to note that This problem in most children with umbilical hernias will be solved on its own.
When doctors want to introduce the classic umbilical hernia case, they describe it as follows:
The classic case is a child who has a soft tissue lump around the navel. This lump appears in the baby when the baby cries.
If the umbilical hernia does not go away on its own by the age of 4, surgery may be needed.
complications that can be listed for umbilical hernia are the same complications that we mentioned in the groin area, the most important of which is the interruption of blood supply or obstruction of blood flow to the intestines that are stuck in the hernia sac.
Therefore, the symptoms of intestinal obstruction can be one of the most important manifestations and complications of umbilical hernia.
Incisional hernia
These hernias occur in a person with a history of surgery at the site ,due to surgical incision and loss of anterior abdominal wall integrity, and thus this weakness causes the internal organs of the abdomen to move outward when the pressure inside the abdominal cavity and pelvis increases. These hernias usually require surgery to avoid complications.
What are the less common causes of lumps on the right side of the abdomen?
The following can cause lumps in the right abdomen, but are less common.
The first case is hematoma:
hematoma is used in medical terms when a mass of blood has accumulated under the skin. Hematomas are usually caused by blood clots, which are caused by trauma to the arteries of internal organs. These vessels rupture and blood builds up under the skin, causing a hematoma. Hematomas are usually caused by a secondary injury that we mentioned above. If a hematoma develops in your abdomen, a lump and bulge will form under your skin in a part of the skin that is pale. the important point of the hematoma that can decrease in size or disappear after a while.
We have to say that most hematomas will heal and absorb naturally on their own without the need for surgery.
The next less common mass is lipoma:
Lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose tissue made up of fat cells that have accumulated under the skin. This mass, like a semi-firm mass, can move easily when touched. They grow very slowly and can grow in any part of the body. They are benign, and if they cause aesthetic discomfort, they can be removed surgically, and in most cases surgery and treatment are not needed.
The third case can be undescended testicles in boys
When a fetus develops sexually, testicular glands are formed in the abdomen and then descend into the scrotum through the testicular cord. Some boys have one-sided and two-sided testicles that do not fully descend, and the remaining testicles may be inside the lower abdomen near the groin. and people who have undescended testicles will have their testicles return to their original position in their childhood with hormone therapy and surgery.
The fourth factor that is very rare are tumors, benign tumors or malignant tumors can cause a significant bulge in the abdominal wall and muscles on the right side of the abdomen. Depending on the type of these tumors, their treatment will certainly be different.
When a person comes to the doctor with a lump on the right side of the abdomen, the doctor finds an underlying hernia by hearing the history as well as examining the lump that comes out when the patient is coughing and straining.
At the clinical examination, the doctor may ask the person to push and cough to notice a protrusion on the right side of the abdomen.
Your doctor may use diagnostic imaging modalities such as ultrasound, abdominal CT scans, and your doctor can confirm the hernia that already exists in the various ways mentioned above.
He or she will then decide whether surgery is necessary or not.
If the tumor is a cause that doctors suspect, you may need more diagnostic tests. A biopsy of the right side of the abdomen may be needed to remove the suspicious tissue and examine it.
In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?
If you have severe pain in the right side of the abdomen and at the same time you have bulging in this area, and if you have one or more of the following, you must go to the emergency room.
The presence of one or more of the following symptoms requires that you must go to the emergency room. Fever, vomiting, changes in bowel habits, no bowel movements, no gas excretion, very severe pain around the prominent area, progressive abdominal distension and anorexia.
If you do not have the above symptoms but you have a lump on the right side of the abdomen that occurs occasionally and you are concerned about this, we recommend that you make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Because the cause of the protrusion may be the presence of a hernia and if you ignore it, you will have serious complications.
The following is a list of questions that your doctor will ask you during your visit:
Your doctor will ask you when you notice a lump.
Your doctor will ask you if the lump changes in location and size.
Your doctor says is the lump constant or variable?
Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and other clinical manifestations.