knee popping pain

knee popping pain


If you have ringing and knee pain
If knee pain and noise have caused you concern
If you want to know what causes knee pain and noise
If you want to know the ways to prevent pain
And if you want to know what are the ways to get rid of knee pain and noise, we recommend that you read on.


Calling and knee pain
Types of knee sounds
What are the causes and causes of sound in the knee?



It is said that the knee joint is one of the largest, most complex and efficient joints in our body due to the special conditions of the knee joint and that it suffers a lot of pressure throughout our lives. The knee joint can face certain problems and injuries. Sounding and knocking the knee while sitting and getting up can be perfectly normal unless it is accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, severe knee pain, sagging knee, and locked knee. In this article, we want to talk about knee pain and ringing.


Calling and knee pain

As the knees get older, they have more problems. People who are on the path to aging say that they experience pain and noise in the knee more than before. Over time, the cartilage of the knee will lose its natural characteristics and the condition It occurs naturally in cartilage tissue, which means that the structure of cartilage is very different from its structure at a young age.
When the knee is injured due to the wear of the adjacent surfaces of the joint, the sound is heard when the joint moves, and the important point is to say that in most cases, which is the only clinical manifestation of knee pain, there is no cause for concern, but in cases where the knee knocks, It is accompanied by pain or swelling of the knee, and in some other cases it is necessary to consult a doctor.
To find out what causes knee pain and what the underlying causes may be, see the following sections of the article.


Types of knee sounds

In order to better understand the subject, in this section we want to introduce you to three different categories of knee voice classification and talk about them. These three categories are as follows:

The first batch of knee pain without knee pain:
We all experience the above conditions throughout our lives, that is, when we move our knees and bend and straighten, and also when we get up from a sitting position and move our knees, this sound is heard.
The conditions we experience will not be associated with knee pain and discomfort, and these conditions are safe and secure, and we do not need to worry about them, and we do not need to use special treatments to relieve them. It is only necessary to follow the usual tips to maintain the health of the knee joint.

  • The second category is knee injury and the occurrence of knee noise after injury

A person may have a knee injury, such as a blow to the knee while exercising, or a fall, or an accident.
When a person suffers from a knee injury after a knee trauma or injury, in these cases the knee injury is often due to a change in the position of the knee in the wrong direction or rotation of the knee in the wrong direction, which is often accompanied by pain and can Failure to deal with further knee injury will result in you.

  • The third category is knee injury without injury

In this situation, people say that their knee sounds without having suffered a recent injury and have a history of previous trauma or the knee is in a special position and condition. This condition may be the result of certain disorders , especially knee joint wear or osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis of the knee in middle-aged and elderly people and the like in other age groups.


What are the causes of sound in the knee?

There are many different causes for knee pain, and in this section we want to point out some of the most common cases that can be accompanied by knee ringing. You will also see in each section whether that cause can cause pain and discomfort in the knee at the same time as the sound of the knee.
So if you are one of those people who want to know what the cause of knee pain and noise can be , stay with us.

  • The first cause of gas bubbles in the joint fluid

Doctors say that the most common cause of noise is the joints of the body, especially the sound of the knee, and there is no pain. The accumulation of gas bubbles is inside the joint fluid and in the joint space of the knee and the bubbles burst when the knee joint is bent.
Now let's see where these bubbles are, how they are formed and why they burst? In the joints of our body, there is a space inside which is the fluid called joint fluid or synovial fluid. Different substances in this fluid are in a soluble state. When the adjacent surfaces of the joint, such as the bones on both sides, are spaced apart, the space of the knee joint increases.
Conversely, when the bones adjacent to the knee joint come together, the knee straightens and the volume of the knee joint space decreases. The changes cause the dissolved gases to alternate from dissolved to gas, and vice versa, These bubbles burst when they become gaseous and form bubbles in the joint fluid and we move our knee from a bent position to a straight position.
So the most common cause of painless knee joint sound in healthy people is the bursting of the bubble.
These conditions may be caused by wear on the bone surfaces adjacent to the knee joint, ligaments and tendons to the joint. The important thing to know is that there is always the possibility of gas bubbles forming in the knee joint space, and as we said, due to pressure changes in the knee space, it occurs as a result of our normal activities and movements, and these bubbles that Cracks will cause sound at the joint site.
The above conditions are very normal and do not require special treatment.
It should be noted that when we move the knee normally, the ligament or tendon in this joint may be stretched too much. Excessive stretching can cause noise. In general, the above two can do no harm to the knee. So do not worry if you have these items. No special treatment will be needed.

  • The second reason is the asymmetry of the knee cartilage

The bony surfaces of the knee joint wear out over time, depending on which level of cartilage is applied to the knee, over time, it will lose its natural symmetrical shape and become asymmetrical. This asymmetry can also occur when you are out of position. Sitting or standing on all fours can make you kneel.

  • The third cause is the runner's knee

It is a very common disorder that a person with it says that they suffer from knee pain as well as suffers from knee ringing.
Patellar pain syndrome, sometimes called a runner's knee, is a sound or feeling of discomfort and pain under the patella or the patella itself.
The important thing about what is in a runner's knee is that the sufferer feels more discomfort and pain just below the patella or the patella itself than hearing the sound of his knee.

  • The fourth cause of ligament problems

Ligaments are connective tissues that attach bones to other bones and can stretch and tighten as the joint moves. If this connective tissue gets stuck on other surrounding tissues, it will make a sound from the knee. The above conditions can also be observed in connection with the formation of scar-like tissue at the joint site.
Scar tissue can also make the knee sound when moving the knee joint.
As we said at the beginning of the article, in most cases the sound of the knee will be considered normal. If you experience ringing in the knee, which is accompanied by swelling or severe pain, chronic pain or increasing pain, these conditions should no longer be considered normal. In other words, swelling and pain in the knee indicate that the knee problem is serious and you should consult your doctor in these cases.
There are also cases where knee pain and noise can be an emergency. In these cases, you should see a doctor immediately.

  • The fifth cause of osteoarthritis and wear and tear of the cartilage of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis is a common problem in the knee joint that increases with age. In other words, the most common cause of pain and discomfort, ringing, locking and weakness and instability of the knee in the elderly is osteoarthritis of this joint. When osteoarthritis occurs, the cartilage between the bone surfaces deforms, thins, and the adjacent bones rub against each other, creating a sound at the joint site.

A person with osteoarthritis states that they have pain and discomfort when moving the knee, and a sound can be heard from the knee.
The pain and noise caused by injury to the cartilage of the knee is continuous and chronic.

  • The sixth cause of meniscus injuries

Rupture of the meniscus is one of the factors caused by sudden twisting and severe rotation of the knee joint.
And we have to say that the rupture and injuries of the meniscus of the knee are always accompanied by pain and swelling, and it will also create an audible sound when the injured joint moves.
Rupture of the meniscus of the knee is one of the cases that should be immediately examined by a doctor and treatment measures should be started.
The menisci are two cartilaginous rings in the shape of the English letter C, which are placed on both sides of the knee inside and outside it, and in fact provide a soft pillow for the joint to facilitate its movements.

  • The seventh cause of Kondro Malasia patella

It is a disorder that results from increased wear between the patella and the femur, meaning that the dorsal surface of the patella of the knee has problems with the lower part of the femur.
Athletes in sports such as tennis, rugby, and soccer are more likely to experience this condition, and it is interesting to note that it is more common in women than men. In this case, there is knee pain and ringing in the knee when bending and straightening the knee

  • The eighth cause of knee ligament injuries

As we know, several ligaments are involved in the structure of the knee joint, and each of them is prone to injury. If a person hears a loud noise from their knee and then the knee becomes swollen and sore, they should know that it is possible that one or more ligaments of the knee joint have been damaged or torn.
I emphasize again that ringing the knee alone does not indicate a serious problem in most cases if the knee pain was severe and was accompanied by swelling and pain and discomfort or the joint became unstable and the so-called knee emptying and locking of the knee occurred, these cases are pathological and should be investigated immediately.



A person who suffers from ringing in the knee with pain and movement problems at the same time should seek medical help to determine the cause of the possible injury. In this case, the patient's knee should be examined and the cause of ringing and pain and discomfort should be determined. Appropriate treatment is prescribed according to the underlying cause.
When there is ringing in the knee with other side effects such as pain and swelling in the knee, you should not worry that in many cases the ringing in the knee is due to the release of excess air accumulated in the joint or more scientifically, bursting of bubbles in the joint fluid. It can also be a sign of correcting the position of your knee joint when a lot of pressure is applied to it or there is wear and tear on the joint. 
To find out what causes the knee to ring, the doctor will listen to the patient's history and ask about the patient's history of the problem, and may ask questions about the patient's recent activities, history of trauma, and so on. If ringing in the knee occurs during and after an injury, it is very important that you should tell your doctor.
If you have swelling and inflammation of the knee as well as locking the knee, you must inform the doctor about these symptoms so that the correct diagnosis can be made and they can start the correct treatment. Other evaluations may be needed, such as plain X-rays or MRIs
In some cases, it is necessary to draw joint fluid from the knee in order to send the fluid to the laboratory for joint fluid analysis. Sometimes a blood test is recommended.



As we have said, there are different causes for knee noise, and in cases where only the knee problem is a problem, the condition is normal and generally there is no danger to the knee, so this problem alone will not need treatment, and in some cases knee noise after a trauma, damage or rupture occurs in the ligaments and may also be related to osteoarthritis or patellar chondromalacia of the knee.

Depending on your condition, appropriate methods can be used to treat knee pain and knee pain. It is only recommended to rest and use short braces to keep the knee immobile for a short time and to use anti-inflammatory drugs and keep the leg high. 
Be sure to start your physiotherapy program after the acute phase of the disease.
If the condition of the knee joint is such that the position of the joint is not in the correct place, the necessary measures must be taken to correct and adjust the position of the joint.
Be sure to use the standard stretching and strengthening exercises that your doctor recommends for these cases. Also remember that the stability of the knee joint depends significantly on the strength of the supporting muscles of the knee, including the quadriceps muscle, so strengthening the quadriceps muscle in front of the thigh is one of the main principles for those who want to have a stable knee joint and do not suffer from knee problems and injuries.

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