dizziness and nausea when lying down
Do you or your loved ones suffer from Nausea and dizziness when lying down? Do you want to know the cause and solution to get rid of nausea and dizziness when lying down? Our doctors talk about the most common cause of dizziness and nausea when lying down.
Physicians considered Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV very common cause of lightheadedness and nausea. In the following, we will introduce you to BPPV.
Symptoms of BPPV
People with BPPV will have the following experience:
- Dizziness that is benign and not life threatening.
- Dizziness that starts suddenly.
- Dizziness that is short-lived and does not last long.
When doctors talk about vertigo, they mean true vertigo, which has the following definition:
The patient has dizziness that feels like he is either spinning around the room and its surroundings are spinning around him.
Vomiting will rarely occur
People with the condition may experience uncontrolled eye movement, which doctors call nistagmus.
Lightheadedness and a feeling of imbalance can last from a few minutes to a few hours after an attack
What causes BPPV?
- Brain Injuries
- Prolonged lying down
- Middle ear infections

- Diseases and problems of the middle ear
- Osteoporosis
- Decreased blood flow
- Recent ear surgeries
- Obstruction of certain intracranial arteries, such as a branch of the vestibular artery
- Migraine headaches
Also, when calcium carbonate crystals are deposited in the direction of gravity on a part of the ear called the utricle, which is located in the inner ear (these compounds are called OTOCONIA by doctors)
These compounds move with the movement and change of your position inside the inner ear canal fluid called endolymph, and their movement will be accompanied by dizziness and nausea when lying down or getting up quickly from sleeping or sitting position.
You may experience this transient, benign nausea and lightheadedness while performing a specific head movement, or even turning your head and neck while lying in bed.
Calcium carbonate crystals that separate from the lining of the inner ear canals appear to be the cause. These parts can be problematic if they enter the fluid-filled ducts inside your inner ear as you move.
As long as you are lying down, these pieces are under gravity at the bottom of the canal, and sudden movements of the head and neck will guide and move them through ducts filled with inner ear fluid and the onset of BPPV symptoms.
Who is most at risk for BPPV?
The following people are more likely to develop BPPV
People are more likely to develop BPPV as they get older
Most cases are seen in people over fifty.
Includes a series of head movements to remove calcium carbonate components from the inner ear canal.
This maneuver should only be performed with the training and supervision of a trained expert.
Sit on the edge of the bed.
Turn your head to the right forty-five degrees, lie on your back and hold your head at the same angle for thirty seconds.
Now turn your head to the left and stay in this position for thirty seconds.
Turn your body to the left and stay in this position for thirty seconds.
Now repeat all the movements on the other side of the body.
Studies have shown that position shifting maneuvers are very useful for BPPV
A study has shown that regular maneuvers to change position for a month can improve seventy-five percent of cases.
- Perform Brandt Daroff exercises:
The effect of these exercises is less than the previous maneuver.
How to do:
Sit on the edge of the bed
Lie on your left side, turn your head to the right so that your face is towards the ceiling. Stay in this position for thirty seconds
Now return to the first position and repeat the steps with the other side
If you feel dizzy after the above exercise, you should wait for your dizziness to go away before you stand up.
If your symptoms have worsened with this exercise or new symptoms have developed, skip this exercise.
You should always follow the tips below:
- Avoid sudden and rapid movements of your head and neck
- Recognize the situations and movements that trigger your attack
- Try to keep your head upright
Studies have shown that combination therapy with this drug and the Epley maneuver both reduce symptoms and reduce the frequency of recurrences.
It is another medicine that will be prescribed by your doctor if necessary
When to see a doctor?
In the following cases, it is necessary to see a doctor:
- Exacerbation of symptoms
- Injury
- Vomit
- Dizziness lasts for several days
- Fever
- Decreased consciousness