bicep twitching

bicep twitching


If you are one of the people who suffer from biceps spasms and contractions and this issue worries you, if you want to know why biceps spasm occurs and if you want to know the ways to prevent biceps spasm, we recommend reading this article.



Definition of muscle spasm

Anatomy of the biceps

What are the signs and symptoms of biceps spasm?

Why do biceps spasms occur?

Why do we get biceps spasms and cramps?






Spasms and cramps in the muscles of the body, including the biceps, are some of the experiences that almost all of us experience throughout our lives. What are muscle spasms, what are the signs and symptoms and causes of spasms, and in what cases should we be concerned about muscle spasms? These are the issues that we are going to address in this article.

And let's talk very briefly about the methods of diagnosing and treating muscle spasms.


Definition of muscle spasm

To better understand what causes spasm and contraction of the biceps and why it occurs, it is best to first have a precise definition of spasm or muscle cramp. Doctors say that spasm is an involuntary contraction that occurs in the muscles. Muscle spasm is a sudden occurrence and usually resolves quickly on its own, but usually causes a lot of pain and discomfort in the person.


Anatomy of the biceps

This muscle is located in front of the bone of your arm and stands out when you contract the arm. This muscle has two tendons, one at the upper end and one at the lower end of the muscle. Normally, the head of biceps can be more prone to injury and rupture in accidents, and it is said that the main function of the biceps muscle is to bend your elbow, but it can also stabilize the shoulder joint to some extent. Rupture of the biceps is one of the most common problems that can occur in this muscle. This complication usually follows the weakening and destruction of this tendon that has occurred in the long run.

Also, people who have activities that move their hands regularly above the head are very prone to problems with this muscle. In these people, the tendon weakens over time and can eventually rupture. But what we are dealing with in this article are the spasms of this muscle.


What are the signs and symptoms of biceps spasm?

Doctors say that in muscle cramps and spasms, the signs and symptoms depend on the type of muscle involved and the factors and conditions that led to the spasm. Skeletal muscles, such as the biceps, spasm when the muscle is too active. Muscle cramps cause sudden and acute pain when moving and contracting that part of the body. Muscles that have spasms will be prominent and raised under the skin. Some cases of cramps and spasms usually resolve within a few seconds and spontaneously, but some cases of spasm last longer. When a spasm occurs, the muscle will remain in shape for minutes and even hours after the end of the activity. It is said that muscle spasms may last for a few seconds or continue and be repeated repeatedly. In fact, muscle jump has a separate definition. Muscle jump is considered by doctors to be a type of momentary muscle contraction that occurs only in a small group of larger muscle fibers and at the location of a nerve fiber. Muscle spasms may occur in the muscles of the groin, biceps, eyelids, or thumb.


Why do biceps spasms occur?

In this section, we want to say what are the causes of spasms or cramps of the biceps muscle.

  1. The first factor: stress

Muscle spasms will be largely related to anxiety, stress, and emotional problems. When you are anxious or scared, these changes occur in your body that go in this direction to prepare the muscles to escape from a dangerous and scary situation. During these changes, incorrect messages may be sent to the muscle fibers Therefore, muscle cramps in stressful situations will be more than normal.

  1. The second cause: drugs

The use of stimulants such as caffeine can increase the risk of muscle spasms. In addition to caffeine, compounds such as pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine, which are commonly found in common cold medicines, can be associated with muscle spasms in the muscles of the body, including the biceps.

Other classes of drugs are anti-asthma drugs such as albuterol:

Another drug that can cause biceps spasms and sprains is a drug used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder called Adderall. This condition is commonly referred to as benign muscle spasms. Usually, this complication disappears by stopping the drug and adjusting the dose of the drug.

  1. Neuromuscular disorders

Some neuromuscular diseases, such as muscular dystrophies as well as amyotrophic and myopathies, may be associated with muscle spasms. In addition to muscle spasms, other symptoms that may be associated with these disorders include:

Loss of muscle and biceps or other muscles involved

Affected people may also have changes in the sense of the area involved

Muscle weakness is also a common manifestation of these disorders

Although not relevant to the topic, it is interesting to note that muscle spasms are not just related to our striated muscles, Spasms of the smooth muscles in the ureteral wall, intestinal wall, and gastrointestinal tract can also lead to spasms that come on constantly and go away after a while. Symptoms of smooth muscle spasm depend on the type of organ involved.


Why do we get biceps spasms and cramps?

Muscle spasms can occur for a variety of reasons. These spasms require special treatment depending on the underlying cause.

One of the most common causes of muscle spasms is known as heat spasm among physicians and athletes. When the muscle is overactive and is usually among athletes who engage in strenuous exercise and physical activity and also construction workers working in hot weather, they experience this type of muscle spasm. They are usually large muscles that contract as a result of working in hot weather. For example, biceps and quadriceps. These conditions, as we have said, are also known as heat spasms.

Another type of spasm is that which occurs following the normal daily activities of a normal person, such as working in the garden and pruning lawns in the yard and playing with a child and snow removal, and so on. They can also cause spasms in the muscles of the neck, biceps and shoulder.

Another cause of biceps spasm is dehydration. When the body becomes dehydrated, the electrolyte balance of the blood is disturbed, that means that, the ratios of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium change, and so these are abnormal amounts that can cause muscle spasms and cramps. These substances, in their natural and standard amounts, allow the proteins present in the muscle cell to form a coherent and purposeful structure, movement, expansion, and contraction. When the amount of any of these substances is changed, the muscle is mistakenly irritated and becomes cramped.

Another cause of spasms in your biceps is peripheral arterial disease. These diseases are called PAD for short by doctors. In fact, the main cause of these diseases is the stenosis inside these peripheral arteries. In fact, the main cause of this group of diseases is the sclerosis. In this case, not enough blood and nutrients reach the muscles. In addition to reducing blood flow to the arms, it can also reduce blood flow to the legs.

As a result, the person may feel pain and spasm in their legs and calves during exercise.

In addition to the above, doctors say that general diseases such as diabetes, anemia and diseases and thyroid problems, other hormonal disorders and kidney disease can also cause muscle cramps and spasms. Aside from these diseases, as we have said, disorders of the nervous system such as ALS, as well as MS or trauma and injuries to the spinal cord may be associated with muscle cramps and spasms. It is better to mention another disorder called dystonia. This disorder is a special type of spasm and muscle cramp in which there is a problem with the chemicals that transmit signals and messages to the brain and nervous system. In order for the level of neurotransmitters to remain normal and for dystonia to be controlled, the person must receive medication. Botox injections also help relieve persistent spasms and cramps by paralyzing the muscles involved. The causes of dystonia are said to be disorders in the neurotransmitters in parts of the brain called the basal ganglia. These chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine and GABA. These are actually neurotransmitters that transmit the brain messages that initiate muscle contraction to the target organ. It is also said that sometimes people may have dystonia following a stroke



Most people who suffer from biceps spasm due to strenuous exercise can easily diagnose the disorder on their own, depending on the condition in which they have the problem. If the problem persists for a long time and does not resolve spontaneously after a short time, or recurred at various intervals, or if it was so severe that the person considered it abnormal, the person should be examined for the problem. See a doctor. But what does the doctor do in the examination and diagnosis session?

The doctor will examine you after taking your history. The doctor will ask questions to check the patient's condition. How long have the spasms started, what activity have they been associated with, how long do they last, how often do they recur, or do they have a specific repetitive rhythm or do they occur randomly?

Are certain muscle groups always involved in the body, or are different groups involved sporadically and diffusely at any given time?

Your doctor will check your general health, previous heart disease, and any medications you are taking during the examination and diagnosis session by asking questions.

Your illness and medical history, as well as disorders and problems that have occurred to you following trauma and physical injury, should also be reviewed. You will probably also be asked about your work history and type of sports activities. As mentioned, dehydration is one of the most common causes of muscle spasms. So the environmental doctor in which the person is placed and should check the conditions in terms of electrolyte balance. One of the physical examinations that a physician performs in the event of a muscle spasm is to observe whether this spasm occurs during the patient's presence in the physician's office. The doctor must also check the pulse in the lower part of the muscle that is cramping and spasming. An important point is that if the biceps cramp persists for a long time or occurs frequently, there is a possibility of muscle damage. To diagnose this condition, your doctor will use a blood test to measure a muscle enzyme called creatinine phosphokinase in your blood. It is an enzyme that will enter the bloodstream through damaged muscle tissue.

If your doctor suspects that this spasm is due to a neuromuscular disorder, he or she will request an EMG_NCV. Also, if there is concern about the presence of peripheral arterial disease, ultrasound or angiography should be performed accordingly.



Muscle spasms most often occur due to dehydration and disturbance of electrolyte balance in the blood So it is very important that the body always receives the water it needs, so you must drink enough water to prevent biceps spasms.

If the cause of dehydration is fever, diarrhea or vomiting, it is necessary to control these manifestations. People who work in hot environments such as construction workers and athletes who participate in sports competitions in hot weather They should always keep their body hydrated by drinking enough water. Drinking enough water before starting an activity is very important to prevent spasms.

Another point is that before starting heavy sports activities or before participating in sports competitions, it is definitely better to warm up and prepare your body with stretching exercises.

As for treatments, when you experience biceps spasm, the treatment will vary depending on the cause. When a large skeletal muscle, such as the biceps, spasms, you should slowly begin light stretching exercises, breaking the spasm cycle by moving that part of the body back and forth, improving the acute condition that has occurred to you.

Therapies are more likely to be a facilitator in relieving spasm and more dependent on the underlying factors that caused the spasm. If the muscle is damaged, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen may be prescribed for temporary healing. Muscle relaxants and, in very severe cases, opioids may also be prescribed to relieve your problem.


The final word:

If you have spasms and cramps in your biceps and this problem does not go away on its own in a short time

Or if you have severe pain and this happens frequently

And if the pain is progressively increasing, it is necessary to see a doctor to check your condition.

In addition, it should be noted that in most cases, muscle spasms, including biceps, have occurred due to dehydration and activity in hot weather. So by drinking water, resting and stopping activities that aggravate the pain, as well as a little arm massage, you can help relieve spasms.

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