adhd symptoms in adult women
You may think that ADHD is limited to childhood. We must say that although ADHD is a pattern of problems that are commonly discovered in childhood, it will not be limited to children.
Does ADHD also appear in adulthood?
Are you familiar with ADHD manifestations in adults?
Do you know the symptoms of ADHD in female adults?
If this is the first time you have noticed some symptoms in yourself or those around you in adulthood, the best way is to be evaluated by a psychiatrist.
Join us to learn more about ADHD in adults and women.
Usually, the parents or educators of a child with ADHD are the first to notice the following abnormal features in the child:
A child who is constantly distracted.
A child who cannot do a steady job even for a short time.
A child who is too active.
A child who has impulsive behaviors, that is, takes action without thinking, and quite suddenly.
A child who does not sit still in the classroom and constantly moves between the desks.
A child who cannot stand in line at the school buffet until it is his turn.
A child for whom it is very difficult and impossible to focus on issues and actions.
You may say that you also have some of the above symptoms. It is true that other children or ourselves may have some of the above symptoms, but as long as the above symptoms do not cause a serious disorder in the educational or occupational and social function of individuals, it cannot be called a disorder.
The disorder usually gets better as the child gets older, but a number of people may continue to have symptoms in adulthood. In adults, ADHD is generally associated with improvement and alleviation of hyperactivity, and that unrestrained movement and effort will be reduced.
We must say that in adulthood, the symptoms and manifestations of ADHD will be different from those of a child.
Adults with ADHD and women with ADHD are more likely to have impulsive behaviors than children.
The concentration of these people is very weak and they are more risk-averse.
These symptoms and disorders may interfere with education, employment, and even the relationships of those involved with others.
The risk of depression, anxiety disorders is high in these people.
There is also a tendency to drug abuse and low self-esteem in adult men and women with ADHD.
This disorder is more common in boys than girls.
Three to five percent of primary school children worldwide have ADHD.
Out of every three children diagnosed with ADHD, more than two will be symptomatic by adolescence.
Out of every three children diagnosed with ADHD, two children up to adulthood will be symptomatic.
ADHD symptoms in adults
What are the manifestations of a person with ADHD?
Symptoms of ADHD in women:
It is very difficult for women with ADHD to follow a set of rules and regulations, women with ADHD are very careless about attention to detail. These women more careless about issues that they find boring.
Women with ADHD are easily distracted.
These women find it very difficult to listen to others, which is why they constantly interrupt others.
These women start a lot of work together at the same time, but they can't get it done.
It is very difficult for these people to put things in order.
These people are forgetful.
Do not tolerate waiting.
When nothing happens and the situation is calm, they are impatient and restless and cannot calm down.
They feel very nervous and restless.
They have difficulty controlling their stress.
These women are very irritable and quickly lose their temper or become impatient and frustrated.
These people do everything without thinking and reasoning, in other words, at the moment they decide to do something without thinking, and they usually get into trouble because of these decisions.
What is the cause of this disorder?
Doctors say that the structure of the brain of these people is different from the brain structure of others. In addition to the structural difference in the brain, the environment is also effective in causing this disorder.
Genes play a role in causing the disorder. It is estimated that one-third of children with ADHD have at least affected parent.
Maternal problems during pregnancy that may be associated with an increased risk of developing ADHD include:
- Taking medication during pregnancy
- Substance abuse in pregnancy
- A low birth weight baby
- Infections
- toxins
- Stressful conditions of the mother during pregnancy
Helping methods for adult women with ADHD:
Especially CBT:
Will help to:
- Find ways to be able to perform their important tasks.
- Find ways to organize their lives.
- Find ways to reduce their anxiety.
Medications can help these people live better lives. Finally, we name some of these medications:
These compounds are available in the pharmaceutical market under the following names and only with a doctor's prescription:
- Ritalin
- Concerta
- Equasym
- Dexedrin (Dextroamphetamine)
The effect of these drugs appears very quickly and usually disappears during the night.
Surprisingly, these drugs have many effects in controlling ADHD!
They are consumed once a day and have a high potential for abuse.
Weight loss and psychosis will be side effects of these drugs.
And another non-stimulant drug used in adult ADHD,
It is called atomoxetine or strattera.
The onset of action of this drug takes several weeks. It is said that after taking this drug, thoughts of harm to oneself and others may be created in the user.
Diarrhea and Stomach ache are common side effects of this drug.
There has been little research on the effectiveness of treatments in adults and adult women with ADHD.
And only a few drugs are allowed to be used and the dose will be higher than children.
In what ways can the affected person help himself / herself?
- Increase awareness and knowledge of the disorder through study.
- Talk more to relatives and coworkers about the disorder and ask them how they see the situation.
- Know what conditions make things worse or better.
- Exercise to drain your energy.
- Keep notes of what you learned from the process, and plan ahead.
- Be realistic about goals.
- Avoid socializing with alcoholics, smokers, and drug users.
- Get help from your friends and those around you to improve the situation.