Palpitation in pregnancy

Palpitation in pregnancy


If you are pregnant, you should know that heart palpitations are a common experience during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you usually get heart palpitations for no apparent reason during exciting and stressful times without having a heart problem.

What can you do to control your heart rate during pregnancy?

Can drinking milk help control heart rate in pregnant women?

By reading more, you will find the answers to the above questions.


What causes heart palpitations in pregnancy?

When is treatment necessary?

When should we see a doctor immediately?


What measures are needed to control heart rate during pregnancy?

Strategies to reduce heart rate and methods to reduce heart rate during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a unique period in a woman's life. At this time, almost all the functions of a pregnant woman's body will undergo major changes. Heart rate without a heart disorder is also a common experience for women during pregnancy.

Pregnant women generally describe this feeling as a tremor inside their chest, which can be accompanied by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and panic and stress.

Although palpitations are common during pregnancy and often resolve spontaneously within minutes, they can be serious and worrying in some cases.

In the following, we will discuss the causes of heart palpitations in pregnancy, dangerous and serious cases of heart palpitations in pregnancy, and ways to control heart palpitations during pregnancy.


What causes heart palpitations in pregnancy?

  • Blood volume increases during pregnancy in pregnant women:

When women become pregnant, their blood volume increases by 50% during pregnancy to meet the fetus' nutritional needs.


And a pregnant woman's heart should be able to handle this increased volume of blood, so it should work harder than before, excess heart work will manifest as the mother's heart rate increases.


  • Hormonal reasons:

Progesterone is elevated in pregnant women.

This change is due to the uterus being able to support the fetus and preparing the ligaments and pelvic floor muscles to increase the volume of the uterus and delivery.

But progesterone also has effects on the mother's heart. The heart will be more active under the influence of progesterone, and the heart rate will increase as progesterone increases.

The result of this process is that enough blood reaches the uterus, placenta and fetus.


  • Spiritual emotions:

Like all human beings, being in a stressful and emotional situation can be accompanied by reactions such as anxiety, anger and fear.

In these cases, controlling the environmental conditions and calming the environment can be accompanied by improving heart rate.

In the following, we will discuss stress management methods in pregnancy that are associated with heart rate control.


  • Consumption of some foods:

Limit caffeinated beverages if you are pregnant

Chocolates, soft drinks, coffee, Nescafe, sweets and black tea are high in caffeine.

Caffeine is a stimulant compound that can make your heart beat faster.

If you are pregnant and you think that the drinks and foods mentioned are the cause of your heartbeat, know that by limiting the consumption of these foods, you will be able to control your heart rate well.

Statistics show that up to 70% of pregnant women experience shortness of breath during their pregnancy.

For example, they experience shortness of breath following daily chores or, as before their pregnancy, cannot walk long distances or go up and down stairs. If you or your family members have a history of underlying heart disease and you are currently experiencing heart palpitations and shortness of breath during pregnancy, you should definitely inform your doctor.


When is treatment necessary?

In the following cases, it is necessary to take the heartbeat seriously during pregnancy.

We said that heart palpitations are a common experience in women during pregnancy and usually resolve spontaneously after a few minutes, but sometimes some heart palpitations in pregnant women will be very serious and it is necessary to study them and take the necessary measures.

In the following cases, timely examination and diagnosis and early treatment are very important.


  • Heart problems:

Cardiac arrhythmias in pregnancy create very risky conditions that require timely examination and treatment.

An erythema is an irregular, low-quality, abnormal heartbeat.

If you have a palpitation that is accompanied by shortness of breath, short, shallow breathing, If you have lightheadedness and dizziness with your heartbeat. If you have fainted with a heartbeat, take these conditions very seriously and go to a well-equipped medical center immediately for immediate action.


  • Thyroid problems:

Hyperthyroidism, which doctors call hyperthyroidism, is a very serious condition in pregnancy that presents with a heart palpitation. This disorder can endanger the life of the fetus if not managed properly.


  • Acute heart problems


  • blood pressure:

High blood pressure during pregnancy or worse conditions called preeclampsia.


We emphasize that if you are pregnant and at any time during your pregnancy you experience heart palpitations with shortness of breath and chest pain, if you have nausea and sweating with your heartbeat, you should go to the emergency room immediately without wasting time.


When should we see a doctor immediately?

If you are pregnant and have a heart palpitation, you should tell your doctor if you have any of the following:

  • If you have a history of heart palpitations before pregnancy.
  • If you have a history of heart disease before pregnancy.
  • History of heart problems in family members.
  • History of any underlying disorder.

Doctors recommend that you inform them of the above before attempting to conceive.



In diagnosing the underlying cause of heart palpitations, doctors use the following:

  • Blood test to check for anemia
  • Thyroid test
  • ECG
  • 24-hour Holter monitoring to monitor and evaluate rhythm and heart rate


It is said that it will be difficult to find the cause of heart palpitations in pregnant women, because many of the signs and symptoms of heart disease in a normal and uncomplicated pregnancy are similar to heart problems and diseases.


What measures are needed to control heart rate during pregnancy?

Obviously, the type of action required when pregnant women experience heart palpitations is entirely dependent on the underlying cause of the heartbeat.

We said that in most cases, the heartbeat in a pregnant woman is not harmful and will not harm the mother or the fetus.

In women with underlying heart problems, necessary examinations should be performed before attempting to conceive so that the mother does not experience complications during pregnancy.

In cases where the cause of heart palpitations in pregnant women is not an underlying disease, it is usually managed without any intervention. In these cases, where there is no underlying problem, the following recommendations will be effective.


Strategies to reduce heart rate and methods to reduce heart rate during pregnancy

If your heart rate is not related to underlying heart disorders, you can seek help to control it with your doctor's approval.

  • Limit caffeinated beverages and stimulants, such as tea, coffee, Nescafe, soft drinks, hot chocolate, and more.
  • Stop smoking. Nicotine can have stimulant effects on your heart.
  • Stay away from all kinds of drugs, whether recreational or habitual
  • Do not drink alcohol


Many of the ingredients in common cold and cough pills can stimulate your heart rate, so do not take any medication without your doctor's prescription.

We remind you that many herbal supplements and herbal medicines can also stimulate the heart, so do not resort to herbal medicines arbitrarily.

Do not use chemical supplements without your doctor's prescription or approval.

Look for ways to control your stress, learn exercises that are appropriate for your pregnancy, and try yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy.

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