My lips are burning and tingling

If you also have burning and tingling of the lips.
If you want to know the causes of burning and tingling in your lips, read on.
If we want to say very general, tingling and burning of the lips are generally not serious and worrying conditions.
Most people with lip burning and tingling say that the problem goes away on its own.
In the following, we want to talk more about these conditions.
As mentioned above, burning and tingling of the lips is a safe event that heals on its own.
Is burning and tingling of the lips always safe?
Is it possible that you have burning and tingling of the lips and there is a serious and important cause behind the incident?
If you want to know the answer of the above questions, read the following, which includes complete information in a simple and understandable language.
In limited cases, the cause of burning and tingling of the lips may be a significant event.
Raynaud's syndrome
What is Raynaud's syndrome and why does it cause burning and tingling of the lips?
In Raynaud's syndrome, one of the most important manifestations and significant symptoms will be burning lips.
There are two types of Raynaud's syndrome.
- Primary Raynaud's syndrome
- Secondary Raynaud's syndrome
Raynaud's syndromes
In Raynaud's syndrome, the body's normal response to cold or emotional stress is exaggerated.
In Raynaud's syndromes, abnormal spasms occur in small vessels in the terminal tissues such as the fingertips and lips, and…following a sudden onset of a severe cold or severe emotional stress. The so-called exaggerated vasospasm of the arterioles occurs.
The fingers are the most common site of Raynaud's syndrome, however:
- Ear
- nose
- Knees, toes
- nipple
Sometimes the lips will become involved in vasospasm and their small vessels become too large.
Following severe spasm of the small vessels, blood flow and circulation are reduced, causing discomfort, burning, and discoloration of the site.
People episodically suffer from Raynaud's phenomenon, meaning that this phenomenon comes and goes.
After being in the cold or experiencing a stress, the above changes last about 15 minutes and cause discomfort such as tingling and numbness.
The discoloration will initially turn white or bluish, and as the environment warms up or emotional stress decreases, redness will be present.
Primary Raynaud's syndrome
Also called Raynaud's disease.
Sometimes it is so mild that the person does not seek treatment at all and often resolves on its own.
The most common type of Raynaud's syndrome is its primary type.
It is less severe than secondary Raynaud's syndrome.
In Primary Raynaud's syndrome, the manifestations begin between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five.
Burning and tingling of the lips in primary Raynaud's syndrome will be relieved by relieving emotional stress and warming the environment.
They usually never need special treatment.
Secondary Raynaud's syndrome
This form, which is more severe, is called raynaud's phenomenon.
Raynaud's phenomenon or secondary Raynaud's syndrome has an underlying cause, ie there is an important and serious disorder in the background.
Raynaud's phenomenon is less common but very important and serious. The underlying factor involved is often the presence of an autoimmune disorder.
Around the age of forty, a person experiences Raynaud's phenomenon.
Causes of secondary Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's phenomenon
The causes of secondary Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's phenomenon are as follows:
- Connective tissue disorders and diseases
Such as scleroderma, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis, all three of which are autoimmune disorders.
- Vascular disorders
- Cigarettes: The nicotine in cigarettes is strongly associated with the contraction of small blood vessels.
- Injuries to the hands and feet with trauma and fractures
- Drugs: Drugs that are associated with vasoconstriction, such as ergotamine drugs used to treat migraines, drugs containing sumatriptan that are also effective in treating migraines, drugs called beta-blockers that are effective in treating high blood pressure, and high heart rate. Drugs that are used in the treatment of ADHD and also some drugs and compounds used in chemotherapy
Risk factors for primary Raynaud's syndrome
Risk factors for primary Raynaud's syndrome include:
- Women are more likely than men to have primary Raynaud's.
- The onset of primary Raynaud's is usually between the ages of fifteen to at last thirty.
- The above disorder is more common in cold and dry climates.
- A positive family history may increase the risk of infection.
In what cases should we see a doctor?
In the following cases, you should immediately see a doctor or equipped medical center:
Although burning and tingling in the lips may seem like a simple manifestation, be aware that sometimes it may be a sign and warning of a stroke or a transient ischemic attack or TIA, which can lead to a serious cerebrovascular event if left untreated.
TIA is also called a mini-stroke.
However, if for some reason not enough blood reaches a part of the brain, a stroke or mini-stroke will occur, so if one or more of the following symptoms are accompanied by tingling and burning in your lips, notify the emergency department immediately or go to the nearest equipped medical center:
- If you have blurred vision
- if you have difficulty balancing
- if you can not move a part of your face or hands and feet
- if your speech has changed
- if you feel paralyzed or weak in your arms or hands

- If you have chest pain that extends to your arms and lower jaw and upper abdomen
- If you sweat a lot
- if you have nausea and vomiting
- if you have a mild headache and dizziness
- if you have confusion
- if you suddenly feel tired and hungry
- if your sense of smell and taste are suddenly reduced or lost
in the above cases, see a medical center immediately is obligatory.
Remember that TIA will be temporary, But if left unchecked, it can lead to a major brainstorming event.
Other causes
Apart from Raynaud's syndrome and acute vascular accidents inside the skull, other causes of burning and tingling of the lips are:
Milk, peanuts
can cause lip irritation and discomfort within the first few hours after eating and even within a few minutes.
Some of the names of these allergies are:
- Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome
- Drug allergies:
In addition to burning, numbness, and tingling of the lips, the following are common in drug allergies:
- Skin urticaria
- itching
- lightheadedness
- Wheezing
And if there is swelling of the tongue, throat, larynx and shortness of breath, in this case, emergency action saves the life of the person.
Allergy to chemicals in cosmetics, environmental toxins can be accompanied by tingling and burning of the lips and the following symptoms:
- Itching, blisters and skin lesions
- Poisons
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals
Deficiency of:
- Folic acid
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B12
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Potassium Zinc
They are accompanied by tingling and burning of the lips. Other accompanying symptoms in these cases are as follows:
- Fatigue
- Muscle cramps
- Decreased appetite
- lightheadedness
- Cardiac arrhythmias
This deficiency usually occurs following chronic illness, malnutrition, pregnancy, alcoholism, and smoking.
- Herpes or cold sore: Generally, at the onset of cutaneous manifestations of the herpes simplex virus, the infected person will feel a tingling and burning sensation at the site of the lesions.
- Hypoglycemia is also one of the causes of burning lips and the center of the lips. Sweating and lightheadedness and trembling and blurred vision are other symptoms associated with hypoglycemia.
Other less common causes include:
- Hyperventilation, shinglesa