How do I know it OCD and not real

How do I know it OCD and not real


If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, if you have an OCD and want to learn more about your disorder, read on.

Many people with OCD want to know how to distinguish their disorder from the facts.

In the following, we will help these groups to be able to distinguish OCD from reality in their pre-existing situations.


OCD is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder that can really make life difficult for the sufferer.


People with OCD may waste many hours of their lives practicing mental impulses and making practical rules to relieve stress and anxiety in their mind.


Definitely, the OCD will be adjusted and even removed if it is diagnosed correctly and in time and the correct treatment is started.


What you will read next:



The three main pillars of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive thoughts

What anxiety do you feel in this disease?

Repetitive and compulsive actions

Statistics about OCD

For whom should we not use the term OCD?

Causes of OCD

If you want to differentiate between obsessive thoughts and reality, what points should we pay attention to?





Let us first give a correct definition of OCD:

A common, long-lasting, and chronic disorder in which the sufferer develops numerous obsessive thoughts as well as reactive behavior or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This recurrence is uncontrollable so it must be repeated over and over again by the affected person.


For example, a person who is obsessed with the safety and health of his loved ones should be assured of their health every few minutes. For example, by repeating texting and asking questions.


Remember that the OCD is not only in the field of hygiene and cleanliness.

The obsession with cleaning and washing is very common, but it will not always be the equivalent of an OCD.

In addition, tidying up the house is not necessarily the same as OCD.

Know that OCD can be controlled in the right and scientific ways.


The three main pillars of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder or disease has three main pillars.

  • A) Thoughts that cause anxiety and fear which are obsessions.
  • Two) Anxiety and stress that you experience as a result of the above thoughts.
  • Three) Perform actions and behaviors that reduce your stress and anxiety, which is compulsions.


Obsessive thoughts

  • thoughts:

Words are singular or short sentences, sometimes convulsive, often unpleasant, blasphemous, or shocking.

Your attempt not to think about them is unsuccessful.

For example, you are all afraid of hurting someone.


  • Images in mind:

You think you have lost your family.

Or you have been raped.

Or kill a person with a knife.

Doctors know that these images of the mind of a person with OCD will not work.


  • Doubts:

You think that you may once hurt someone, or that you haven’t close the doors and windows, or left the gas on.


  • Intellectual rumination:

You are constantly struggling with your mind and repeating certain thoughts.


  • Perfectionism:

Fear that your room is not tidy or that you do not clean the bookshelves neatly and regularly. These are situations that ordinary people do not get upset when faced with.


What anxiety do you feel in this disease?

  • Fear
  • Feeling uncomfortable
  • Feeling guilty
  • Feeling depressed
  • Feeling anxious

By doing compulsions your anxiety will temporarily reduce.


Repetitive and compulsive actions

Monotonous repetition of an action, such as continuous and frequent hand washing.

Neutralize blasphemous thoughts by reading incantations.

A specific count, a specific task, or a repetition of a specific word, assuming that these actions will prevent something from happening.


checking the door and stove regularly

Regular body checks

Avoid being in places where you are afraid something might happen, for example, you do not enter the kitchen So that there is no knife under your feet.

You cannot throw anything away.


These people constantly need to hear from others that everything is going well.


Statistics about OCD

One in every 50 people in the community develops OCD at least at some point in their lives.

The prevalence is the same between men and women.


There are one million known OCD cases in the UK.

Get to know some of the well-known people with this disorder:

Charles Darwin

John Banian Author

Florence Nightingale


For whom should we not use the term OCD?

We should not use the term OCD for the following people:


Extreme users of alcohol

Street drug users

People who exercise too much


Because the above things are enjoyable, but OCD is not enjoyable at all.

We remind you that if we want to consider something as a psychiatric disorder, that action or case must have disrupted a person's function and life.

OCD is a disorder because sufferers spend hours on obsessive-compulsive thoughts and actions. Many people with OCD have lost their educational and professional status.

Sometimes managing with family and friends is disrupted, sometimes your family is upset by your disorder.


Some people may say that people with OCD suffer from psychosis and insanity, but this is not true. People with OCD never do anything harmful or out of their control.

The following types can have similarities to OCD:

An unavoidable need to pluck hair and eyebrows or trichotillomania

body-dysmorphic disorder or BDD

worrying about imagined ugliness

Stay away from crowds thinking they are ugly or unwieldy

Fear of getting a serious illness

Tourette Syndrome (People who suddenly scream and immediately shake their body uncontrollably) Usually these people also have OCD.

People with Asperger's Syndrome may also have OCD.

OCD begins at the age of twelve or thirteen, that is, in the early second decade of a person's life, and unfortunately, people do not seek treatment until years later.


What is the prognosis and outlook for OCD?

Mild OCD go away on its own and without treatment

There is no spontaneous improvement in moderate to severe OCD. These people need to be treated continuously. Sometimes it seems that the symptoms of these people have disappeared over time.

Sometimes the severity of the symptoms decreases.

In some groups, the symptoms worsen in a bad mood.

Standard treatment generally helps these people to have a better understanding of reality versus OCD.


Causes and CDs


Stressful life events account for 30% of OCD cases.

Sudden life changes: such as sudden acceptance of a large number of responsibilities in life


New job

The birth of a child


Doctors believe that changes in a substance in the brain are involved in the process of OCD. This substance is called serotonin.

Personality type: People who are regular, precise and planned and are enriched and satisfied with high standards.

Method of thinking:

Not Pushing harmful thoughts back


If you want to differentiate between obsessive thoughts and reality, what points should we pay attention to?

Many of the ways that you use to help yourself make things worse and help keep the disorder going.

Trying to get thoughts out of the mind causes the previous thoughts to return faster.

Doing repetitive behaviors and asking for approval from others will reinforce the notion that the approval of others is needed to prevent events from happening and more pressure will be put on you.

The following ways are suggested to you:



Expose yourself to problematic thoughts and problems. This helps control disturbing thoughts. Record and listen to them many times. Take notes and re-read the text. Do this regularly and for half an hour daily to reduce stress.

Do not resist obsessive thoughts, but resist coercive actions and behavior.

Keep in touch with support groups.

Do not drink alcohol to reduce stress.


Treatments involving others:

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT

There are two types of CBT for people with OCD.


ERP exposure and prevention of responding to coercive behavior


Cognitive therapy

They are used to stop both anxiety and coercive behavior.

Continuing to be under a stress will make the person get used to it, so in treatments, the sufferer repeatedly encounters the stressor but stops performing the coercive behavior.


A list of all stressors is prepared.

The list is organized from the strongest stressor to the weakest.

From the beginning of the list, and with the above method, one by one, we overcome the stresses and the resulting algebraic behavior, and we move on to the next case.

For example, thirty to sixty minutes is enough to start.


You will find that you do not have to get rid of all your fears and stresses, just as long as you feel good is enough.

You learn that stress and fear are unpleasant but do no harm.

Stress will eventually go away.

With the exercises, it will become easier to deal with them little by little.

It can be guided with the help of a training tape, book or CD or software program. This is effective in mild cases.

In moderate and severe cases, you should have a direct and consistent relationship with the psychotherapist, either alone or in groups.

Each session lasts an hour, the sessions are initially once a week or two, at least ten sessions are required at first.

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