Gassy upper stomach

Gassy upper stomach


Are you worried about Gassy upper stomach ? In this article you will find everything related to Gassy upper stomach. In the digestive system gas is part of the normal routine of digestion. Getting rid of excess gas, either through burping or passing gas , also is normal. Gas pain can occur in upper stomach if gas is trapped or not moving well through the digestive system.

An increase in gas or gas pain may result from eating certain foods that are more likely to produce more gas. Mostly simple changes in eating habits can lessen the bothersome gas. Not very often but some digestive system disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, may cause increase in gas or gas pain.


When are the causes of gassy upper stomach?

What are the symptoms of gassy upper stomach?

When to see a doctor for gassy upper stomach?

How to Diagnosis gassy upper stomach?

What is the Treatment for gassy upper abdomen?

Lifestyle modifications and home remedies that can help with gassy upper stomach?



When are the causes of gassy upper stomach?

Gas in the stomach is mostly caused by swallowing air while eating or drinking. Most stomach gas is released during burping. Gas is formed in large intestine (colon) where bacteria ferment carbohydrates fibre, some starches and some sugars which aren't digested in the small intestine. Bacteria also use some of that gas, but what remains is released when one passes gas from the anus.


Most common foods that cause gas:

Some high-fiber foods may cause gas, including:

  • legumes which includes beans and peas.

  • Fruits.

  • Some Vegetables.

  • Whole grains food

  • As high-fiber foods increase gas production, but fiber itself is essential for keeping the digestive tract in good working order , regulating blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Some other dietary factors which can contribute to increased gas in the digestive system include the following:

  • Carbonated drinks like soda and beer, increase stomach gas.

  • Few eating habits, like eating too quickly, drinking through a straw, chewing gum, sucking on toffees , candies or talking while chewing leads to swallowing more air which means more gas.

  • Fiber supplements that contain psyllium, like Metamucil, can increase colon gas.

  • Artificial sweeteners or we can say sugar substitutes such as sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol, found in some sugar-free products and beverages may cause excess colon gas.


Medical conditions:

Medical conditions which can increase intestinal gas, bloating or gas pain include:

  • Chronic intestinal disease.

In chronic conditions excess gas is often a symptom ,, like in diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

  • Small bowel bacterial overgrowth.

Increase or even change of the bacteria in the small intestine can cause excess gas, diarrhea and weight loss.

  • Food intolerances.

If the digestive system can't break down and absorb certain foods gas and bloating is for sure to happen, like the sugar in dairy products that is lactose or proteins such as gluten in wheat and in some other grains.

  • Constipation.

Constipation can make it very difficult to pass gas which can lead to gas pain.

Many medications and supplements can lead to gassy stomach  A few examples are following:

    • Aspirin.
    • Antacids.
    • Diarrhea medicines
    • Opioid pain medications.
    • Sometimes Multivitamins and iron pills can too.


What are the symptoms of gassy upper stomach?

Signs or symptoms include:

  • Burping more often .
  • Passing gas also called flatus.
  • Pain, cramps or a weird knotted feeling in the abdome
  • Feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdomen called bloating.
  • Sudden observable increase in the size of the abdomen called distention.

Burping is normal process , especially during or right after a meal. Most people pass gas up to 20 times a day which is normal. So, while having gas may be inconvenient or sometimes embarrassing, burping and passing gas are rarely by themselves sign of a serious medical problem.


When to see a doctor for gassy upper stomach?

Talk to the doctor if the gas or gas pains are so persistent or severe that they interfere with the ability to function well in daily life. Gas or gas pains accompanied by other signs or symptoms mostly indicate more-serious conditions


which need intervention. See the doctor if you experience any of the below mentioned signs or symptoms:

  • Bloody stools
  • Noticeable change in consistency of stools.
  • Sudden change in frequency of bowel movements.
  • Weight loss.
  • Bowel problem like Constipation or diarrhea.
  • Contiguous or recurrent nausea or vomiting.
  • Persistent or Prolonged abdominal pain.
  • Simple chest pain


How to Diagnosis gassy upper stomach?

Doctor will likely know what's causing the gas and gas pains based on:

  • A proper medical history.
  • A review of dietary habits of patient.
  • A proper physical exam.

During the physical exam, the doctor may touch abdomen to determine if there is any tenderness , redness or if anything feels abnormal. Listening to the sound of abdomen with a stethoscope can help the doctor determine how well the digestive tract is working. Depending on the physical exam and presence of other signs and symptoms like weight loss, blood in the stool or diarrhea the doctor may order additional diagnostic tests.


What is the Treatment for gassy upper abdomen?

If gas pains are caused by some other health problem, treating the underlying condition may give relief.

Problematic gas is generally treated with dietary measures, lifestyle modifications or sometimes with over- the-counter medications. Although the solution can't be the same for everyone, with a little trial and some error, most people are able to find the relief.

  • Diet

Dietary changes can help reduce the amount of gas body produces or help gas move more quickly through the system. Keeping a diary of the diet one eats and of gas symptoms will help the doctor to determine the best options for changes in the diet. One may need to eliminate some items or eat smaller portions of few others items that mostly produce gas.

Reducing to some level or sometimes when needed eliminating the following dietary factors can improve gas symptoms:

High-fiber foods which can cause gas includes legumes, beans, onions, broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, , pears, apples, peaches, prunes, whole wheat like those which has gluten and bran. One can experiment with which foods affects the one most. One can avoid high-fiber foods for a couple of weeks and slowly add them back. One must talk to


doctor to ensure maintaining of a healthy intake dietary fiber.

  • Dairy.

Reducing dairy products from the diet can decrease symptoms. One also can try dairy products that are lactose-free or even take milk products supplemented with lactase to help with digestion and not cause any problem at the same time.

  • Sugar substitutes.

If possible eliminate or reduce sugar substitutes, or try a different thing instead fried or fatty foods.

Fat in diet delays the clearance of gas from the body. Cutting on fried and fatty foods can help with reduction in symptoms.

  • Carbonated beverages.

Try to avoid or reduce your intake of carbonated drinks.

  • Fiber supplements.

If one uses any fiber supplement, doctor should be consulted about the amount and type of supplement.

  • Water.

Drinking water with the meals, throughout the day and with fiber supplements, helps to prevent constipation.

There are few Over-the-counter remedies which may reduce gas symptoms for some people:

  • Alpha-galactosidase this helps break down carbohydrates in beans legumes and other vegetables. Take the supplement just before having a meal.


  • Lactase supplements helps in digesting the sugar lactose which is present in dairy products . These decrease gas symptoms if one is lactose intolerant. Talk to the doctor before using these if one is pregnant or breast-feeding.


  • Simethicone helps in break down of the bubbles in gas and can help gas pass through the digestive tract. There is very little clinical evidence of its effectiveness in relieving gas pain or gases .

  • Activated charcoal taken just before and also after a meal can reduce symptoms, but research has not shown it's clear benefit.


Lifestyle modifications and home remedies that can help with gassy upper stomach:

Making some lifestyle changes may help reduce or relieve excess gas in stomach.

Try eating smaller portions:

There are many foods that can cause gas which are part of a healthy diet: 

Try eating smaller portions of problematic foods to see if the body can handle a smaller portion without creating excess gas.


Try eating slowly:

chew the food thoroughly and don't gulp it . If one has hard time slowing down, put down the fork between each bite.

Avoid chewing gum: 

sucking on hard toffees and drinking using a straw. These actions can be the cause for swallowing more air.

Poorly fitting dentures can be reason for swallowing excess air when one eats and drinks.

Try not to smoke: 

Cigarette smoking can increase the amount of air one can swallow. One should consult a doctor if  needs help in quitting.

Some Regular exercise reduces the risk of constipation: 

which can in return prevent the release of gas from the colon.

If the odour of passing gas concerns you and is bad , limit the foods which are high in sulphur— like broccoli, B sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, beverages and foods high in protein can reduce distinctive odours.

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