Can blue light glasses hurt your eyes

Can blue light glasses hurt your eyes


Are you one of those people who use blue light filter glasses?

Do you want to know if these glasses will damage your eyes and your visual system?

Do you want to know if blue glasses and blue light filters are harmful to the eyes or not?

If you have questions like the above questions in mind, we recommend that you read on.



What you will read next:



What is meant by blue light?

What are the sources of blue light?

Why do people and users of screens and computers, mobile phones, etc, experience dryness and fatigue and a burning sensation in the eyes and rub their eyes when they stare at the monitor?

What can we do to help prevent symptoms?

What are the effects of blue light on the body?


What is Blue Light?

Dangers of blue light

Can our eyes protect themselves from blue light?

What are some ways we can reduce the artificial blue light from the devices around us?






For decades, humans have been staring at and using smart devices extensively. Many of us spend a lot of time every day looking, working, playing and watching new computer screens, tablets and smartphones and TVs. It is said that people spend an average of 10 hours and 39 minutes a day staring at the screens of digital devices.

And the question arises whether this is harmful for us when we stare at the monitor screens of the above devices or not?

Is the blue light emitted from these devices harmful to our visual and nervous systems or not?

In the following, we will talk more about the blue light emitted from these devices and the blue light filter glasses and blue glasses.


What is meant by blue light?

This spectrum of light is usually emitted by devices such as computer screens in smartphones, tablets and laptops, and we call these electromagnetic waves blue light.

This spectrum of light is actually composed of electromagnetic waves that have short wavelengths and have a lot of energy.

So, in short, the blue light emitted from the monitor of these devices, with which we are exposed for up to 10 hours a day, is made of electromagnetic waves with short wavelengths and very high energy.

It is said that light may harm our eyes under certain conditions, but so far there is no scientific evidence or study that has proven the harmfulness of blue light emitted from the above devices to the eyes.

Because there is no scientific, documented, or reliable finding that proves the harmfulness of blue light, many people are surprised by the popularity of these glasses that filter blue light.

Because they say that when there is no reason why blue light is harmful, so why should these glasses be widely used?

In the following, we want to talk more about blue light filter glasses.

What do doctors say about the harmfulness and blue light emitted from monitors, laptop screens, etc.?

Various well-known doctors have stated that many people are concerned about the harmful effects of blue light emitted to the eyes. This worry and the stress and the many questions that people are concerned about are quite understandable and it should be think about, but the point is that so far, there is no scientific and reliable document that has been found to report the harmful and irreversible effects of blue light on the eye.


What are the sources of blue light?

The question of when humans have been exposed to blue light is not limited to technological advances. Humans have also been exposed to this light for thousands of years. The largest and main source of blue light is the sun, which is above our heads in the sky. Blue light is one of the main spectrums of light that plants need for photosynthesis, and it is also produced by LED lamps.

Blue light is not harmful, although many people experience fatigue, dryness, burning and rubbing of their eyes while watching the screen of a computer and mobile phone for a long time.


Why do people and users of screens and computers, mobile phones, etc., experience dryness and fatigue and a burning sensation in the eyes and rub their eyes when they stare at the monitor?

In answer to this question, we must say that the eyes of these people suffer from the above problems or become dry and burn, and the person tends to rub his eyes. These manifestations are due to eye fatigue. More than 60% of all people who have problems following eye fatigue experience dryness, burning and a tendency to rub the eyes.

However, we must say that this blue light is not the main cause of the cases and manifestations of the above complaint. So, what is the main cause of fatigue?

The main cause of eye fatigue of users is mostly due to the fact that they do not follow the tips related to their eye health. The screen time of these people is long and continuous and they do not use this device and technology properly. Another important point to note is that most users who are working with the laptop, computer or mobile phones and TV forget to blink continuously and frequently. So as the frequency of blinking decreases, the spread of tears on the surface of the eye decreases.

So, blinking less is associated with dry eyes and increased eye pressure, which eventually causes the person to experience fatigue.


What can we do to help prevent symptoms?

It is recommended that when we stare at the monitor or TV or our mobile phone, we take our eyes off the screen every 20 minutes and look around for 20 seconds, especially at long distances.


What are the effects of blue light on the body?

The main problem that users of new technologies have is eye fatigue, so it is not necessarily blue light that causes dryness, burning and a tendency to rub the eyes in users.



One thing that users of blue light glasses or blue light filtering tools point out is that these blue glasses help them to sleep more comfortably and better at night.

Exposure to blue light reduces our body's ability to produce the sleep hormone melatonin in the brain, which is secreted when the air gets dark and causes drowsiness, preparing our body and brain for normal sleep at night.


What is Blue Light?

Blue light is made up of electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 380 elb and 750 nm.

It consists of seven main colors. The waves have short wavelengths and high energy. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy, and vice versa, in this spectrum, which we mentioned, waves with wavelengths of 450 and 495 nm are among the shortest wavelengths And is considered the most energetic.

Now the question arises from what sources this light is emitted, we must say that electronic monitors, LED lamps, fluorescent lamps are produced and consumed under the name of energy-saving lamps are include the devices that emit blue light.

It has been proven that physical and mental illnesses and diseases are more prevalent in the face of this light. There are also articles that suggest that eyes that have been exposed for a long time may suffer serious injuries, but this has not yet been proven.

Natural light is also composed of blue light, ie sunlight that shines has spectra of blue light and can regulate our sleep-wake cycle due to its order. Light has a great impact on consciousness and physical and mental health, but artificial Blue light sources does not have the timing of radiation and its material and type of energy, and artificial blue lights have properties that cause harm to the person who is exposed to it for a long time.

Again, articles say that one of the characteristics of staring at blue light is that we forget to blink because we are staring and focusing on what we are staring at.

This can cause dry eyes and eye fatigue. Headaches Mental fatigue can be caused by prolonged use of these devices.


Dangers of blue light

Natural blue light is from sunlight and is useful and necessary for the body and regulating our sleep cycle. The blue light that we receive from the sun during the day makes us wake up during the day and do not feel drowsy.

If we encounter an artificial source of blue light, these radiations do not have the properties of natural blue light.

Artificial blue light disrupts the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone, and even reduces its production. Decreased melatonin levels in the long run can lead to obesity, diabetes and cancer.


Can our eyes protect themselves from blue light?

Our eyes can block up to 99% of ultraviolet light but are not able to filter blue light, so it will reach our retina. When we are exposed to too much blue light, light-sensitive cells in the retina may be severely damaged.

There are articles that say that degeneration macular is likely to occur in people with long-term exposure, but this has not yet been proven.

We can only say that eye fatigue is caused by not blinking and dry eyes.

And it has a great impact on learning and the efficiency and function of the person while studying and working, so for people who use these devices for a long time, it is recommended to use blue light filter glasses.

Also, if you have cataract surgery or have cataracts, it is best to avoid looking at blue light for a long time.


What are some ways we can reduce the artificial blue light from the devices around us?

There are comfortable solutions that we can get rid of artificial blue light and by following them, we can sleep comfortably.


A) Lower the screen light of your phone and computer as much as possible.

B) Do not look at the phone and computer after dark, and if you have to and it is better to Lower the screen light of the device as much as possible.

C)There are devices that have Blue light filtering programs. One of the good solutions is that you can do is to install blue light filtering software on your device and use it. These softwares filter the screen of your phone and ... from the blue light.

Users running Windows Android and other operating systems can use various software programs that filter the blue light of the monitor. This program does not detect day and night light and you should manually activate it.

D)Another way is to use blue light filtering glasses, these glasses do not allow blue light to be seen from artificial sources, so one of the solutions that can make you have a natural sleep cycle is to use these blue glasses.

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