Brain bleed recovery

Brain bleed recovery


What is cerebral hemorrhage?
What causes cerebral hemorrhage?
How many types of cerebral hemorrhage are there?
What are the possible complications after cerebral hemorrhage?
What happens during a brain hemorrhage?
How is cerebral hemorrhage recovery?
What is the recovery period after experiencing cerebral hemorrhage?
If you and those around you have a history of cerebral hemorrhage and you want to know more about the causes and also recovery after cerebral hemorrhage, read on.

How did cerebral hemorrhages occur and what are the possible complications after cerebral hemorrhage?
What do you need to know about cerebral hemorrhage?
What is the process of what happens in cerebral hemorrhages?
What causes cerebral hemorrhage?
Symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage
Diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage
How is cerebral hemorrhage treated?
Complications after cerebral hemorrhage; What are the complications of a person with cerebral hemorrhage during recovery?
How can cerebral hemorrhage be prevented?



What is cerebral hemorrhage?
Bleeding that occurs in the brain tissue and cranial space is the subject of this article. We have many types of bleeding that can occur outside the brain tissue and inside the cranial space, and what we are going to talk about in this article about post-recovery is almost all types of bleeding, especially bleeding that occurs in the brain tissue; Bleeding, which is actually a type of stroke that occurs after a rupture of the arteries of the brain, and this incident creates a situation in which the nerve cells around this rupture and bleeding are seriously damaged and die. Bleeding inside the skull that inside the tissue in and around the brain will occur; there are several causes for this bleeding.

How do cerebral hemorrhages occur and what are the possible complications after cerebral hemorrhage?

In short, in people who suffer from bleeding brain tissue, bleeding occurs around the tissue and accumulates due to the pressure of the mass, and blood coming out of the vessels inside the skull to the brain tissue due to the death of these tissues. Those who suffer from intracranial hemorrhage have clinical manifestations similar to stroke. For example, feeling weak and numb on one side of the body, feeling weak on one side of the body, speech disorder and difficulty in speaking, feeling unable to perform daily activities; For example, the difficulty of walking and falling in a row is another manifestation of people who suffer from various types of cerebral hemorrhage.
A type of stroke is stroke due to cerebral hemorrhage. It is said that only about 13% of all strokes are related to bleeding in the brain tissue (the most common cause of stroke is obstruction and narrowing of the arteries, which is called ischemic stroke) Bleeding inside the skull is named based on the location of the bleeding in the brain.


What you need to know about cerebral hemorrhage?

In this section, we want to point out an important point and warn that what is very important to diagnose when bleeding inside the skull is now both inside the brain tissue and between the brain tissue and the skull bone. These hemorrhages may be painless in the early stages, have little symptoms in the early stages, and the person may not notice the disorder. It is important for people to be aware of the symptoms and to be fully aware of themselves and others, so be sure to consult your doctor urgently if you suspect these symptoms. And do not miss the golden time available to save brain tissue.
It is said that unlike small hemorrhages inside the brain, which can be painless in the early stages and the person does not notice the disorder, the meningeal layer around the brain is very sensitive, and if the bleeding is due to rupture of the veins in these layers, symptoms such as headache and Etc becomes very intense and sudden for example:

An emergency case of intracranial hemorrhage that occurs outside the brain tissue is bleeding between the lining of the brain and the brain tissue. Which is called arachnoid or subarachnoid.
A person who is bleeding suddenly experiences a very severe headache, and it is very important to note that the severity of the headache is so severe that the person states that he or she has never experienced such a headache before.


What is the process that happens in cerebral hemorrhages?

When, as a result of an injury, trauma, or any other disorder that causes bleeding, the accumulated blood spreads to the tissues and cells around the site of the rupture of the vessel, causing a reactive swelling in response; This swelling is called cerebral edema, when the blood that comes out of a ruptured vein accumulates in a mass called a hematoma. A hematoma formed inside the skull of the brain tissue disrupts the blood supply to the brain cells and stops the blood supply. Cells that are left without oxygen in the blood die.
It is said that from the time when bleeding and bleeding from the cerebral vessels begin; It only takes a few hours for brain cell death and serious brain damage to occur, so this is a golden time for the patient and the medical team. so if you and those around you even have symptoms of suspected cerebral hemorrhage, it is imperative that you do not miss this golden time for the survival of brain cells; And be sure to go to the emergency room on time and quickly. This way you can prevent the bad effects of brain cell death; Even if the patient is not referred in time and the diagnosis and treatment are not started, even the patient's life will be in danger.


What causes cerebral hemorrhage?

There are several causes for cerebral hemorrhage; One of the main reasons that makes a person prone to cerebral hemorrhage is uncontrolled high blood pressure.

we must say that when a person's blood pressure is chronically high, the walls of blood vessels and the arteries and veins inside the skull are damaged over time; Eventually the arteries become so sensitive and fragile that they will rupture. Following rupture of blood vessels inside the skull, the skull bone ruptures inside or between the brain, and blood flows out and collects around the brain tissue, causing symptoms to appear.

The symptoms are similar to the clinical manifestations of stroke; cerebral aneurysms are another cause of cerebral hemorrhage following ruptured arteries. Cerebral aneurysms are a type of vascular abnormality.

Doctors use the general term AVM for venous arterial malformation; this trait is inherited from birth and can lead to accidents and cerebral hemorrhage in adulthood. Cancer Bleeding occurs with the spread of cancer in the brain tissue; another cause is sedimentation inside the arteries; Narrowing of the blood vessels inside the arteries is associated with bleeding in the brain; Drug use can severely weaken the walls of arteries. Eventually, an addicted person's arteries can easily rupture and cause cerebral hemorrhage; the risk of cerebral hemorrhage has been shown to be much higher in people who use drugs.

People with diabetes: because diabetes causes chronic and widespread inflammation of the lining of the arteries
The arteries of diabetics are severely damaged, abnormal, and prone to rupture; another cause of intracranial hemorrhage is cranial trauma; trauma to the brain is one of the most common causes of cerebral hemorrhage in children, adolescents, and adolescents under the age of 50.
The second cause is high blood pressure: is untreated and uncontrolled high blood pressure is the main predisposing factor for intracranial hemorrhage.
The next cause is a cerebral aneurysm: in which the wall of the artery swells in the shape of a balloon. This condition is similar to a grape seed. This area, which has a stretched wall, is very thin and if it is torn, it will cause bleeding in the brain; Most vascular aneurysms and malformations are present at birth, but have no symptoms; But rupture, which occurs in adulthood, is characterized by sudden symptoms such as severe headaches and sudden onset and nausea, Vomiting and anesthesia will also occur.
AVM Arteriovenous Abnormalities: The cause of these abnormalities is not known, but it is very likely to be present at birth and will not be noticed until the baby has ruptured. Because the symptoms will not occur, in these disorders we see that the arteries are complicated and deformed. Which are not normal at all and one of the reasons for cerebral hemorrhage is rupture of malformed arteries.
Amyloid angiopathy: is a condition that doctors call amyloidosis, in which a special protein accumulates in the form of a piece in the walls of the arteries (in amyloidosis we have accumulation of amyloid proteins in different parts of the body). This condition occurs when a person gets older. And falls into the path of aging or the person has uncontrolled and untreated hypertension; It causes small hemorrhages that the person does not notice at all and does not cause much of a symptom. But we should be aware that eventually these damaged arteries may rupture, leading to much larger bleeding.
Liver Problems: Liver Problems Liver failure can increase the risk of bleeding throughout the body as it progresses, So the brain will not be free of these conditions, and people who experience liver disorders and insufficiency are at greater risk for bleeding into the brain and internal organs. 
Brain tumors: When a malignant tumor is present in the brain tissue, it is possible to penetrate the vessel wall. Vascular damage occurs when a brain tissue tumor spreads and thus the risk of cerebral hemorrhage is high.


Symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage

  • Headache:

We must say that the headache can not always be due to cerebral hemorrhage. We must say that the clinical signs and manifestations of intracranial hemorrhage are completely dependent on the place where the hemorrhage occurred. For example, if there is bleeding in the part of the brain where the tissue in that part is responsible for processing visual information, the person will have vision problems; Also, if the part of the body that is responsible for speech and is located on the left side of the brain becomes bleeding, there will be a disorder in the speech of the affected person.
Other symptoms include:
Impaired balance, impaired coordination of body movements and the occurrence of weakness of numbness in one half of the body ,sudden seizures.

If the bleeding is in the lower part of the brain responsible for involuntary activity; A person may experience loss of consciousness. Symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage also occur rapidly and suddenly in lower cerebral hemorrhages.
In hemorrhages that occur in the lower part of the brain, symptoms such as loss of consciousness occur quickly and suddenly. Some symptoms may appear over time and are gradual. It may worsen or become very severe and appear suddenly in the early hours.

The following is a list of symptoms that may occur in a person with intracerebral or intracranial hemorrhage:

  • Sudden severe headaches
  • Seizures if the person has no history of them
  • Weakness and numbness in one arm or leg in one half of the body
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Binoculars
  • Existence of speech problem
  • Speech and body tingling
  • Tingling
  • lethargy
  • Decreased consciousness
  • Pervasive weakness
  • Difficulty writing
  • Difficulty reading in a person who is literate and loses consciousness and imbalance and lack of coordination.
  • Feeling of abnormal odors; Feeling of unnatural taste; Acute movement problems such as hand tremors


Diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage

If you or those around you have any of the above symptoms, you are suspected of having a stroke as well as bleeding inside the skull. To diagnose, some tests should be done immediately. In other words, research and investigation of the conditions of each of the above symptoms should be done immediately by the medical team and for the medical team stationed in the emergency room as the first line of encounter with the infected person in these cases. Contrast-free CT scans and brain MRIs will be important for the rapid detection of intracranial events.

We must say that these imaging modalities and diagnostic aids are very important for diagnosis; They will show the location of the cerebral hemorrhage as well as its characteristics; If the bleeding is inside and outside the brain tissue. CT scans and MRIs can tell you a lot about it, and it can also help determine the cause of the bleeding. Further diagnostic tests are available to diagnose possible vascular abnormalities and are recommended if needed. 


How is cerebral hemorrhage treated?

When a person suffers from cerebral hemorrhage and intracranial hemorrhage, he must be under special care. The initial treatment that is needed are:
Stabilize blood pressure
Breathing and vital signs of the patient
Cerebral hemorrhage: Cerebral hemorrhage in some people, a ventilator is sometimes needed to provide adequate oxygen to the brain.

In some cases, intracranial pressure as well as heart rate should be closely monitored after the patient's condition has stabilized.
There comes a time when the medical team must decide quickly about the patient's condition for surgery. Decisions should not be based on the location and size of the need for surgery. But in a group of people, the person should be operated on immediately after the patient's condition stabilizes. Surgery At these stages, certain medications may be prescribed to reduce swelling around the bleeding site to reduce cerebral edema. It is also necessary for the patient to undergo heart counseling and receive appropriate medication to balance blood pressure. Proper antiepileptic drugs are also needed to prevent seizures. If the patient is conscious, medications should be prescribed to reduce the pain.


Complications after cerebral hemorrhage; What are the complications of a person with cerebral hemorrhage during recovery?

Complications during the recovery period depend exactly on which part of the brain is bleeding and how large the bleeding area is.
Most important of all is when the patient arrived at the hospital and the medical team, and how much time has passed since the onset of bleeding and the golden age has been lost.

In some patients with cerebral hemorrhage, the symptoms improve over time, but in some patients the symptoms will be permanent. Complications can include loss of normal brain function. Some medications also have side effects. Even death may occur; These complications depend entirely on the extent of the bleeding; Swelling as well as the time elapsed since the golden age and the patient was taken to the hospital.
Complications can be described as follows:

  • Speech problems
  • Having aspiration pneumonia feel pain
  • Numbness on one side of the body pervasive fatigue
  • Memory loss and incidence of cognitive, functional, cognitive impairment, impaired reasoning, impaired judgment, impaired memory, impaired learning,
  • Seizures, new psychiatric problems such as depression and emotional problems with seizures, swelling and edema of the brain.

Recovery period after cerebral hemorrhage Many people who have experienced cerebral hemorrhage will recover.

If the bleeding was in a specific part of the brain and was localized and did not spread much, and also the patient reached the emergency room immediately, we must say that the recovery period resolves well and with minimal complications without complications.
If the patient is able to successfully pass the Early critical stages, you should know that compared to other patients, recovery will be much faster and more successful.


How can cerebral hemorrhage be prevented?

Cerebral hemorrhage is highly dependent on the individual's clinical condition; And it has certain risk factors. So for prevention, it is better to correct the factors that we have control over. Therefore, observing the following can significantly reduce the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.
The most important point is to control high blood pressure; uncontrolled diabetes is an important risk factor
So you must consult a doctor to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar
Fasten your seat belt while driving and drive carefully to prevent brain trauma during a car accident and do not forget your helmet if you are riding a motorcycle.
To treat congenital vascular problems such as aneurysms, it is best to use minimally invasive methods in the early stages; Anticoagulants such as warfarin must be monitored by a doctor; And to control its level of effectiveness, you should see a doctor periodically; But the most important point here is that one of the most important points is not to use drugs. Cocaine and all its derivatives greatly increase the risk of bleeding.

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